The "village idiot", waging the "wrong war in the wrong place at the wrong time "in the middle of an "economic depression"....gets asked by the people of America to serve them four more years.
Looks like four more years of the left whining and gnashing their teeth. They hate that Americans spoke their minds and re-elected a man of moral conviction. The Democrats now can really see how much of an impression they made on the voting public; their message was just not well received: delivered by a monotone speaking, flip-flopping, goose-killing, lying, elitist, America-hating, traitor, wearing borrowed hunting cammo with plans to stab the U.S. in the back and run it into the ground. Yes, the libs underestimated President Bush, and the American people's faith in him. And they underestimated the people's ability to see through the DNC's message of B.S.
They just can't have it back.
No matter how hard they stamp their little feet.
'W' stands for 'Winner'