rrfield said:
Now we will get to see what Bush REALLY thinks. He doesn't have to worry about re-election and Cheany's not going to run in '08. McCain seems to be the "chosen one" for the GOP in '08 and he is popular enough and close enough to the center to distance himself from Bush if (when?) he needs to.

Looks like we are going to need lots of help...

So you Don't think it's going to be 4 more years of the same?
catocom said:
So you Don't think it's going to be 4 more years of the same?

Sure it will. That's the problem. Not that it affects me directly, but I haven't been very impressed with the outcome so far. Not that I seriously believe Kerry would have been an improvement, but he would have been different.
100% of Precincts Reporting
George W. Bush 2,777,645 - 51 percent
John Kerry 2,632,547 - 48 percent

95% of Precincts Reporting
George W. Bush 51% 56,732,387
John Kerry 48% 53,004,905
Iowa race for President 2073 of 2079 precincts - 100 percent
George W. Bush (i) Rep 741,325 - 50 percent
John F. Kerry Dem 725,700 - 49 percent

The "village idiot", waging the "wrong war in the wrong place at the wrong time "in the middle of an "economic depression"....gets asked by the people of America to serve them four more years.


Looks like four more years of the left whining and gnashing their teeth. They hate that Americans spoke their minds and re-elected a man of moral conviction. The Democrats now can really see how much of an impression they made on the voting public; their message was just not well received: delivered by a monotone speaking, flip-flopping, goose-killing, lying, elitist, America-hating, traitor, wearing borrowed hunting cammo with plans to stab the U.S. in the back and run it into the ground. Yes, the libs underestimated President Bush, and the American people's faith in him. And they underestimated the people's ability to see through the DNC's message of B.S.

They just can't have it back. :crying4: :crying4: :crying4: :crying4: No matter how hard they stamp their little feet.

'W' stands for 'Winner'
.Gotta love Sinfest :D
The Other One said:

The "village idiot", waging the "wrong war in the wrong place at the wrong time "in the middle of an "economic depression"....gets asked by the people of America to serve them four more years.


Looks like four more years of the left whining and gnashing their teeth. They hate that Americans spoke their minds and re-elected a man of moral conviction. The Democrats now can really see how much of an impression they made on the voting public; their message was just not well received: delivered by a monotone speaking, flip-flopping, goose-killing, lying, elitist, America-hating, traitor, wearing borrowed hunting cammo with plans to stab the U.S. in the back and run it into the ground. Yes, the libs underestimated President Bush, and the American people's faith in him. And they underestimated the people's ability to see through the DNC's message of B.S.

They just can't have it back. :crying4: :crying4: :crying4: :crying4: No matter how hard they stamp their little feet.

'W' stands for 'Winner'

Self-righteous breast-beating is so very attractive, don't you think?
The states have made their feeling quite clear on that issue of gay marraige, Bush has nothing to do with it. THe American people do.

As far minorities go, Bush has placed minorities to highest office ever reached by them, he has also nominated minorities to some of the highest levels only to beat down by the democrats. Bush does not see pll as color, he sees them as people.

So BoP you ar repeating talking points that are not inline with the truth.
Did I say anything about Bush being responsible for that? :shrug: I was just generally comment on the large anti-gay-marriage vote passed. :shrug: