Butts, Boobs, Legs or other? (for de guys)

And when they were up they were up
And when they were down they were down
And when they were only halfway up he was more than happy. :D

Doctor O'Dell, fell down the well
And broke his collar bone!
For doctors should attend the sick
And leave the well alone. :eyemouth:
"Contraceptives should be used on every conceivable occasion."

"When I look back, the fondest memory I have is not really of the Goons. It is of a girl called Julia with enormous breasts."
His tombstone reads "I told you I was Ill" and he had originally planned for it to have a little polished wooden dancefloor on top of his grave, hehe.
Regarding boobs....I'm not complaining with my honey...not in the slightest :)

**There's something about giving birth/breastfeeding that beats any plastic surgeon anywhere...hands down**

A friend of mine once said "I don't care how big they are, just so long as she's lettin' me at them." :headbang:

The buttocks tho'... the sheen of sweat on a hot day, rolling down the back...little beads of moisture on a thonged gluteus maximus, nicely tanned...with just a hint of the adders tongue peeking through the top....the smooth curve ending sharply where it meets the back of the thigh....

Oh man!!! Where'd my wife go??

**Runs off screaming "Honey!!!"**
Stomach/Tummy Mmmm :p
Toned, untoned... As long as its not massive its nice :D
I also like a nice pair of cheeks.... :rfap:
First, jus' loved my baby's face, her eyes captivated me!

Then, workin' my way South, 'ad to love 'er breastesses.............an' South of that equator cauzed me to jus' say, "dayamn"!!

None a dat woulda done diddly if I first did not perceive 'er pre-existin' inner beauty.

I mean, let's face it, T & A inevitably reach a point where gravity becomes the undeniable victor, an' what 'ave ya got then, if not love fer the one ya chose in yer 'younger' day?

Personality, an' love fer the face of the one y'ave chosen rate as the highest count..........'least in my book.:)