Well-Known Member
You wish.Talk about "pissing away."
With your logic you would call a "pistol" a "rifle" correct?
"A rifle" is a firearm designed to be fired from the shoulder.
A "machine gun" is not a "rifle."
Go into a gun store and tell the guy behind the counter you want to buy a "rifle." Where does he point you to?
Ah, the ever loved edit. No prob.
No, I wouldn't call a pistol a rifle. Nor would I call a tripod mounted fully automatic weapon a rifle. There are more appropriate names to use, that better describe them. That doesn't make the term inaccurate, tho, my dear. Likewise, I know a dozen different names for bows ... compound, recurve, longbow .... but that doesn't make the term arrow-slinger wrong.
As for the bozo behind the counter .... sorry, but if you walk in and ask 'him' for 'a rifle' .... you deserve the hosing you've got coming to you. There's usually one or two people in the entire establishment who are qualified to actually discuss the details of a firearm. If he looks at the rack and calls everything 'rifle' ... he's probably only one application away from flipping burgers.