Bye bye chickie


Staff member
Long time coming
[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Carolyn Parrish has talked her way out of the Liberal party. The outspoken maverick MP has been under fire for her repeated rants against Americans in general and President George Bush in particular. And with the re-elected White House occupant heading to Ottawa for a visit on November 30th, it became apparent Prime Minister Paul Martin wanted to avoid another international incident.

The Mississauga MP had promised not to heckle Bush if he chose to address Parliament, but refused to keep silent if asked her opinion about the man. And those views are already well known. Parrish had previously called the American leader a “war monger” who’s out of step with the real world. And she became infamous for calling our nearest neighbours “‘bastards” for their involvement in the Iraq war. She termed the countries supporting Bush's missile defence plan a “coalition of idiots”.

In her most recent stunt, Parrish taped a spot for a Canadian comedy series in which she gleefully stomped on a doll representing Bush. She was also critical of Martin’s leadership, and refused her admonishments to in effect, sit down and shut up.

It all finally became too much for the Liberal chief, who pulled the trigger on Parrish Wednesday afternoon. “I cannot, as leader of our party and the government caucus, tolerate behaviour that demeans and disrespects others," the P.M. notes. “It is unacceptable."

The move isn’t without considerable risk for the P.M. His slender minority government is hanging by a thread, and with the loss of Parrish, the Liberals now only have 134 seats in Parliament, while the Conservatives remain with 99, the Bloc 54 and the N.D.P. keeps its 19.

Parrish will sit as an independent for the remainder of the term, and remains unrepentant. “If he loses the next election and he has to resign, I wouldn't shed a tear over it," she responds to Martin’s moves. "I have absolutely no loyalty to this team - none."

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Here’s a collection of some of her more famous pronouncements.

“Every time he gets up and reprimands me, be it ever so gentle, it just feeds it and he looks like he can’t control me, which he can’t. And if he wants to know why he can’t control me, I have absolutely no loyalty to this team. None.”
On being kicked out of caucus by Martin

"After what they've put me through and lots of my colleagues, they can all go to hell. But he's not going to control me, so all he's going to do is end up looking weak."
Another jab at Martin for firing her

"Damn Americans, I hate the bastards."
Parrish, right before the U.S. invasion of Iraq

"Please guys don't put that on tape. I already got into trouble once.... Really, please, I've had enough trouble."
Parrish, begging the press not to air her anti-American comments.

"The last one was a really stupid thing to say. Bastards is an inappropriate word. Idiots is a term people use in everyday conversation. They tortured people in Iraq, they (the Iraqis) have no weapons of mass destruction. Could somebody explain to me whether you think they're idiots or geniuses?"
Parrish trying to explain her statements.

“That country is completely out of step with most of the free world."
Parrish on her feelings about the U.S.

“We are not joining the coalition of the idiots. We are joining the coalition of the wise."
Parrish speaking at a rally on Parliament Hill about supporters of Bush’s missile defence plan

"I looked up the word (idiot) and it means lacking in common sense, lacking in knowledge, and that's exactly what the Canadian public is facing,"
Parrish on her use of the word idiot.

"He has been reconfirmed as their commander-in-chief, and he is a war-like man … completely out of step with most of the free world. I guess it's a reflection of the profound psychological damage of 9-11."
On Bush’s re-election and those who voted him back in

"I have opinions. They're strongly held and colourfully expressed. They always have been . . . I am not going to change the way I function. If I do that then (critics) have won, they've shut me down and . . . there are thousands of people who agree with me."
Parrish on her outspoken manner

“Sneaking, sniveling shitheads."
Parrish on those who criticized former P.M. Jean Chretien.

"I think she's evil, but I have never called her evil. I think she believes passionately that she is doing the right thing, and that is the only reason you don't just grab her and throttle her."
Parrish on MP Albina Guarnieri’s private member’s bill demanding consecutive sentences for multiple murderers.

“They fish three months of the year, make $60,000 and then sit on UI."
Parrish commenting on East coast fishermen.

"I hate to tell everybody … It (the referendum) is being greeted with an enormous yawn in Mississauga. Quite frankly, I think it almost like a form of torture. It's constant dripping, whining, and fussing from Quebec. Everybody's going: "Oh! I don't care."
Parrish after the Quebec independence referendum was barely defeated

"I don't give a shit if you found a high powered lawyer to get your story in the Globe and Mail."
Parrish addressing a Polish immigrant family who appealed to her to help them stay in Canada.

"I speak openly and honestly on a wide variety of topics of interest to my constituents and to many other Canadians. I do not seek any approvals from my leader or my party."
Parrish on her philosophy

“It’s 'backbencher burps, world ends’. It’s ridiculous.”
Parrish on reactions from her colleagues about her comments on George Bush.

“If your comments were positive: They were generally based on a fear of missile defence for a variety of sound and thoughtful reasons, a respect for free speech or an understanding that Canada was well down the path toward signing on to this fiasco without a thorough public debate. You obviously recognize I was not criticizing American citizens as a whole, I was in fact criticizing politicians on both sides of the boarder who were blindly committing to such an outrageous proposal! For your support and kind words, I sincerely thank you.

“If your comments were constructively critical: I appreciate your arguments and points of view. The basic arguments presented were: a) The language used was hurting the cause b) The U.S. deserves complete support because they’re our main trade partner or c) The U.S. defends us and ensures our safety.

“To respond:
a) The language used was perhaps bold, but it expressed an honest frustration at the lack of attention Canadians were paying to such an important issue, allowing it to slip “under the radar” of public debate. I offer no apology for passion or moral indignation.

b) Our trade partnership with the U.S. is reciprocal and interdependent. Trade did not end when Canada refused to enter the war in Iraq. My off-the-cuff comment will have no effect on trade.

c) Based on the serious criticisms of hundreds of scientists, scholars and former U.S. military personnel, one must conclude that the missile defence system, as proposed, will not work. You can’t “shoot down a bullet with a bullet.” It will challenge our mutual enemies to develop more exotic missiles and therefore accelerate the arms race, making us an even greater target for terrorists.

“If your comments were crude, vile or threatening: I offer no response. Thank goodness you were part of a very small group.
Email from Parrish on her comments about Iraq and U.S. missile defence.

"Keep my mouth shut? That's not what 28,000 people in my riding elected me to do.
Parrish summing up her voter support.
Boy...she has issues.
To the Canadian Liberal party, I disagree with virtually every stance you make but I also must thank you for acting in a reasonable, albeit slow, manner.
even I dont like what I just read about her. Against Bush I can see but not all Americans are warmongers
freako104 said:
even I dont like what I just read about her. Against Bush I can see but not all Americans are warmongers

One thing you must admit, though...she was almost as many laughs as PM Cretin... :lol:
Gonz said:
To the Canadian Liberal party, I disagree with virtually every stance you make but I also must thank you for acting in a reasonable, albeit slow, manner.
You must be so proud. :D
Half the laughs out of Parliament are gone now *sigh*

but then again, there are lots of retards in there, at least it's only half :lol:
The sad thing is that torontonians voted her in in the first place. And people here wonder why I put up with the french ...
Some very telling comments from the Libs about not wanting to be lumped in with her. Gee Kinda wish libs here would say the same thing about Mikey Moore. Well our libs did run a presidential candidate that wouldn't admit to being liberal, heh

Found this at the top of a blog Yep prudy much sums it up Huh?
Liberalism is a Mental Disorder
Liberalism is a Mental Disorder; It's not listed in the DSM nor can it be "diagnosed" by a doctor. Symptoms include raving lunacies, a general lack of morals, an undying desire for socialism and for everything to be "fair," and a general disregard for common sense. Liberalism is the death of our great society. It focuses on tolerance of Alternative Lifestyles, and a disgust for people with morals, values, standards, and religion. It is the great destroyer.
I don’t blame you for not wanting to being identified with Liberals!!!
ooooh cool. Now I have no values or morals, and no standards. Nice!! Best one yet!!!!! :headbang:
Tis just another Canadian I've never heard of. If shes been critical ... its no different than the guy down the block that noone else listens to.


What kind of government did you say you guys have up there?

Winky said:
Some very telling comments from the Libs about not wanting to be lumped in with her. Gee Kinda wish libs here would say the same thing about Mikey Moore. Well our libs did run a presidential candidate that wouldn't admit to being liberal, heh

Found this at the top of a blog Yep prudy much sums it up Huh?
Liberalism is a Mental Disorder
Liberalism is a Mental Disorder; It's not listed in the DSM nor can it be "diagnosed" by a doctor. Symptoms include raving lunacies, a general lack of morals, an undying desire for socialism and for everything to be "fair," and a general disregard for common sense. Liberalism is the death of our great society. It focuses on tolerance of Alternative Lifestyles, and a disgust for people with morals, values, standards, and religion. It is the great destroyer.
I don’t blame you for not wanting to being identified with Liberals!!!

I have values. I thnk those are the same things as morals. I wear being liberal with pride. Its the ones who make us look bad I am ashamed of.