Cake baking conundrum


New Member
Here's the thing. I need to bake a cake for the school's baked good auction. It needs to be easy and wallet friendly, it needs to sound delicious as it is an auction, you dig? It needs to travel well as it will be wrapped up, and here's the kicker, it must require NO refrigeration.
Ideas? Cuz I'm at a loss.
An orange cake with a slim layer of orange or mandarin jelly on top would be nice. I love those :D
I was thinking of a butterscotch pudding bundt cake with a rum glaze? Does that sound...well, biddable?
tarte au citron .... sounds good, tastes better and (allegedly) is easy to make ...

do i get a badge or somet' ?

How willing are you to experiment? Try this

12 ice cream cone cakes. Take ice cream cones, and pour a basic white cake mix into them like cupcakes. Bake like cupcakes, and ice them to look like ice cream when done. They leave the table so fast your head'll spin.
How willing are you to experiment? Try this

12 ice cream cone cakes. Take ice cream cones, and pour a basic white cake mix into them like cupcakes. Bake like cupcakes, and ice them to look like ice cream when done. They leave the table so fast your head'll spin.

Neat idea but the cake isn't being consumed there. The folks that have the winning bid take it home...kinda like an ebay cakewalk without the shipping costs....and no walking...and no ebay...but you get the point. know I thought about that but do you think you would bid on one of those if it was wrapped up and you couldn't really see it?
Trust me, Tonks. You take some stiff cardboard, and make a holed tray to hold the dozen upright, and people will fight for them.
Hmm....I could tape a box shut, flip it over, punch the holes, attach wooden chopsticks to the corners, paint the setup with halloween colored tempura paints, let dry, and then put in the decorated cone cakes. Cover it with saran and be done.
How do you bake these things? In muffin tins?
If you're terribly worried about them falling over, but use the flat bottomed cones and jsut line them up on a cookie sheet.
My costco idea is alot easier..

Have you thought about some version of angel food cake? A lot of options at a low cost...
Costco cakes taste like offense Wade.

I just got off the phone with the lady in charge of the bake sale. It is now a bake sale and not an auction. They would like me to bring a cake or pie but they'll take what they can get. I'll bake either the bundt cake or the ice cream cones and maybe some magic bars wrapped 3 to a package.
Jsut one word of caution. If you make the cones, you'll be expected to produce them every time a bake sale comes along ....