California considers scrapping welfare

You know that is exactly why prostitution needs to be legal! Alcohol is legal and destroys more lives than prostitution. Gambling is legal and same deal there too. You see if prostitution was legal there could be some standards, and perhaps the women would find it easier to seek help and get out of it. Their health could be monitored and it could be confined to certain areas where children don't have to see it.

The fact is people are going to do it whether its legal or not? Why fight a war there is zero possibility of winning?
So now let's do Santa Monica Blvd. shall we? After all, you are down there so much working with the homeless perhaps you haven't seen the Gay prostitutes who aren't homeless.


Bond Director Arrested for Prostitution

By Ross von Metzke | Article Date: 2/06/2006 8:00 AM

(West Hollywood, CA) – One of Hollywood’s most sought after directors will be arraigned later this month on charges of offering to perform oral sex on an undercover police officer for money.

Die Another Day director Lee Tamahori was arrested January 8 on Santa Monica Blvd. in Los Angeles while dressed in women’s clothing: he was wearing a black wig and an off-the-shoulder dress.

LAPD arrested the New Zealand-born director as part of a sting operation. Santa Monica Blvd. is known to be a hotspot for prostitutes and is the same part of the city where Eddie Murphy was arrested for soliciting a transgender prostitute a few years back.

Frank Mateljan, a spokesman for the Los Angeles city attorney, says Tamahori was cruising Santa Monica Boulevard when he was caught. He says Tamahori was picked up when he tried to offer sexual services to a cop for money.


Lukamagnotta is a gay guy who apparently works the area.

By the way, he's cute. Maybe you should check him out some time when you are "down there" among the homeless.

06/23/09 19:27 - 80.ºF - ID#49045unsafe Hollywood Neighbourhoods
East and Mid-town (Central) Hollywood, that is , unless you know good street smarts and are genuinely interested in discovering the ethnic neighborhoods, esp. Little Amenia. This area of Ho-town includes a portion of the major streets, Santa Monica Blvd and Sunset Bvd ( but especially Santa Monica Blvd).

This is the very unglamorous part of Hollywood that is hardly ever seen on TV. There is relatively more crime and poor conditions here as supposed to posh Hollywood Hills, other western parts and the city of West Hollywood. At least, this area adds to the color and represents the true heartbeat of the city of Los Angeles (and a tremendous sense of non-fakeness which is a definite plus in my book and is something to see just as much as the drab Hollywood sign on the hills).

Many of the Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual organizations are located on -- drumroll please -- Santa Monica Blvd. which also just happens to dead end into Gay enclave West Hollywood.

Need more?
You know that is exactly why prostitution needs to be legal! Alcohol is legal and destroys more lives than prostitution. Gambling is legal and same deal there too. You see if prostitution was legal there could be some standards, and perhaps the women would find it easier to seek help and get out of it. Their health could be monitored and it could be confined to certain areas where children don't have to see it.

The fact is people are going to do it whether its legal or not? Why fight a war there is zero possibility of winning?

Well said. I would include drugs in the equation because the so-called "war on drugs" is an abject failure and a money pit.
Everything I have said is provable and shows how you lie. Read the following and then tell me that I am making this shit up.

Most of what you've said has been proved wrong already Jim. You made generalizations about the homeless wanting to be homeless. Most homeless in the US do not want to be homeless.

Of course there is prostitution gay and straight in this city all over the place. I'll tell you most of them aren't homeless and a lot of them probably make a pretty good living.

I'm sure when you were cruising for boys to get drunk on Rainier you might have found some cheaper ones with issues but the really this doesn't help your "homeless want to be homeless" bit at all.

Most of the homeless are older and down and out. Let me direct you to this article that you avoided again.

Homeless people are not a homogenous population. In the early 1980s, homeless people typically were pictured as single men on skid row. Such stereotypes of homelessness have changed in the past two decades. The homeless population now includes more women and families with young children. According to the National Survey of Homeless Assistance Providers and Clients (NSHAPC), homeless families account for 34 percent of homeless population. Most of the homeless families are single women with children.

There are many studies indicating the differences among subpopulations of homeless people. The NSHAPC study reveals that the reasons for becoming homeless for homeless families differ from those for homeless singles. The most frequently given reason for becoming homeless for homeless families and for homeless single women is “couldn’t pay rent;” while the top reason for homeless single men was “lost job or job ended.” Other important reasons indicated by homeless families are “landlord made client leave” and “problem with residence or area where residence is located.” These reasons are not among the top four reasons for homeless singles. On the other hand, two of the top four reasons for homeless singles (“was drinking” and “was doing drugs”) are not among the top four reasons for homeless families.

Homelessness studies found that homeless families were more likely than homeless individuals to be in a first homeless spell lasting less than six months. Homeless families are more likely to use shelters or transitional housing and less likely to have spent any time in places not meant for habitation than homeless individuals. Homeless families were also reported to have higher median income than homeless individuals. Homeless women with children received significantly more public assistance funds during their lifetime than did homeless single women.

Other studies also reveal that homeless singles are more likely to have alcohol and substance abuse problems than homeless families. Homeless families are also less likely to have mental illness than single adults. Approximately a quarter of homeless singles have experienced mental hospitalization. On the other hand, adult family members had rates of prior mental hospitalization of less than ten percent.

There is also a relationship between domestic violence and homelessness. The 2000 U.S. Conference of Mayors reported that domestic violence as one of the primary causes of homeless families. The NSHAPC study reveals that two of the top four reasons for becoming homeless for women are “I or my children were abused, beaten, and/or I was afraid of the violence in the household.” These reasons are not among the top four reasons for both homeless men with children and homeless single men.

Other than history of domestic violence, gender perspective on homelessness presents considerable differences between homeless men and homeless women in many respects. Dozens of studies on homeless women and homeless men show that the two homeless types differ in reasons of becoming homeless, perceived needs, the length of homelessness period, the occurrence of alcohol, drug and mental health problem, family and social relationship, health risk and physical symptom, legal involvement and work history.

The understanding of these differences is quite important to better address the complexity of homelessness problem. Each subpopulation of homeless people has distinctive characteristics that distinguish it from others. Homelessness policy should not lump different homeless subpopulations together. Homelessness policy should take into account the heterogeneity of the homeless population to effectively prevent and address different homeless subpopulations.

You live there? Are you paying attention to what is happening around you at all?






Let me introduce you to some of the girls.


Hmmmm. They appear to be dresssed just about as I described.


Imagine that. A prostitution attorney located at 6255 Sunset Boulevard, Suite 915 Los Angeles, California 90028 (Actually, there is no such city as Hollywood. The area known as Hollywood is actually Los Angeles, 28, CA which became Los Angeles, CA 90028 with the inception of zip codes.)

Wow! Another one at 9000 Sunset Blvd., Suite# 805 Hollywood, CA 90069


That enough or you need more?[/QUOTE]