Caller ID

What do you think of Caller ID?

  • Love it

    Votes: 18 100.0%
  • Hate it

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I like caller ID a lot. You can opt to have your number not show up on caller ID phones, but I block those numbers from reaching me. :)
I hate it. Don't have it. Dislike calling peopple & having them know it's my number. I callerIDblock all "strange" numbers.
I love it!!!

I know who's calling, I know who's called when I go out, and I know who's leaving the damned hangups on the answering service. And it works from overseas too, I found that pretty nifty :headbang:
i generally don't answer the phone to people without caller id. if their number ain't in my mobile phonebook then there's a good chance i won't answer it either...

and i don't even know the number of the landline in my house...
I get 10 telemarketer calls a day and almost no personal ones. If I didnt have a caller ID I would probably just disconnect the phone altogether.
I haven't spoken to a telemarketer in months, except from the kitchen phone, which has no display.
I mistakenly picked up on a fraternal order of police leech once ... now theyve been calling me 5 times a day for the last 3 weeks. They call from 8am unto 1045 pm. Now I remember why I hid in the quiet space of my basement.
I looooove it! Whenever it see "Out of Area" I know its a godforsaken telemarketer or a collection agency. Hehe...therefore I don't answer. muhahahahaha :D
hanging up is easy. and fun too.

the words take me off the list mother fucker works wonders too.
love it on my cellphone to see which call i missed this time...i have a cellphone but somehow i always miss 90% of the calls, and end up calling them back :retard:
i do the same when i miss the call but mine is off almost all the time. cause i dont like getting phone calls