Caller ID

What do you think of Caller ID?

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    Votes: 18 100.0%
  • Hate it

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mine is on 24/7 as well, i don't get calls often but i get text messages.
i dont either but if it rings more than once its too many people calling me. i prefer email or face to face contact face to face being the best
I used to be a telemarketer :D

My mum now runs a telemarketing centre :D :D

I like caller ID at work - I got dodgy heavy breathing calls once, and rang the guy back on the number shown and told him he'd have the police with him in half an hour! ;)
CID is cool with me. The whole, knowin' who's callin' before I pick up, is fun.

Although, I have a lot of fun switchin' into my acting mode when I get telemarketers. Told a hell of a lot a great stories...........makin' some of 'em laugh an' others, quite afraid! ( I call it "fair-game entertainment") :D

At any rate, CID combined with call block can be an effective means of avoiding unwanted intrusion! I'm all for it! :)
halamikage said:
I looooove it! Whenever it see "Out of Area" I know its a godforsaken telemarketer or a collection agency. Hehe...therefore I don't answer. muhahahahaha :D

Just get a TeleZapper...Then they (bill collectors) have to rely on snail mail. ;)
My old Boss used to call people back that hung up on him as soon as he answered. Have to respect the balls.
PuterTutor said:
My old Boss used to call people back that hung up on him as soon as he answered. Have to respect the balls.

Not balls...I think it's more of a low self-esteem. :D

Seriously, though, the only problem I ever had with a collector is when I made the payment, in person, and he called back later that same day (same guy) to ask when I was going to pay. I first asked him if he remembered me paying, to which he said no, and I then read him the receipt number. When he still didn't get the clue, I read him the riot act, including a few comments on his mental deterioration, and hung up. Never heard from him again.
75renegade said:
CID is cool with me. The whole, knowin' who's callin' before I pick up, is fun.

Although, I have a lot of fun switchin' into my acting mode when I get telemarketers. Told a hell of a lot a great stories...........makin' some of 'em laugh an' others, quite afraid! ( I call it "fair-game entertainment")


Gato_Solo said:
Just get a TeleZapper...Then they (bill collectors) have to rely on snail mail. ;)

hehe...I heard about that and was actually thinking about picking one up :)
Luis G said:
mine is on 24/7 as well, i don't get calls often but i get text messages.

me too.

i signed up for genie just after they launched, the infinite free text message deal i got was only on for a few weeks. <grin>
Don't have it.

If I pick up and say 'hello' and I get that silence and then a click, I know it's a telemarketer and I just hang up. Occasionally, I'm too slow and they catch me. I don't have a problem giving them a polite "no thanks, I'm not interested." If they persist, I cut them off and repeat it with a little more emphasis. If they continue after that, I just hang up on them. Jan's a little more brusque. If they try to keep selling to her after being told 'no', she explains to them that what they're doing is illegal. Apparently Florida has a No Phone Harrassment law which makes it illegal for a telemarketer to not take 'no' for an answer. That usually gets her a nasty response, but they stop trying to sell to her anyway.
I say "Hi"
Then the telemarketers come
then I say
"Parlez-vous francais?"
The are all confused
"Je ne plarlez pas anglais!"
"Comment tu t'appelles?"
I just yell at the phone in french and they don't call back. That's the one biug use my 3 years of french have served.
My mom does something too. The telemarketers don't click on for a few seconds so shes all "what? I can't hear you. can you speak up? is anyone there? i cant hear you?" and they don't call back. I also reply to email spammers with a nice "What you're doing is illegal, please don't email me again" if they come back "please don't emial me again. you have been reported to the spam control"
I don't make death threats to them, I like the more elegant way of confusing their small minds.

EDIT: BTW, I have caller ID, and I still never answer phone. I hate the phone.
So am I the only one who gives telemarketers the old, "fuck off and die you blood sucking bastard" line? I've also been known to turn on the ol' stereo for a few seconds right into the mouthpiece. Set at about 100.

I seldom get repeats.
Hmmm... I should try thta.
Maybe this:
Oh, hello, I was just cleaning my sniper rifle. how are you?
would you liek to buy...
Do you have any sliencers? i really like them for my rifle, and mine broke after the last telemarketer
no, but we offer...
I love my sniper rifle. did you know I can kill a person from 500 yards away? thats longer than a football field. I never miss, and body quards can't stop me
well would you like to buy...
I'm a trained assasin. I can track down and kill anyone. There's no way to hide from me

:rofl: that should scare them away :D
Before we had CID, I once asked for a bullhorn for Christmas. Figured that would solve the issue.

Strange, but my wife wouldn't let me get one...
Once i talked with a telemarketer for about an hour, i made sure she think i was always about to say "yes", and then i asked another question.....after a while i just said no. She obviously got pissed :D