<that just means you're a NEOCON>
Whoa there hold up I voted for Reagan in 1980 the first year I was old enough to vote (77) Hell dood I REMEMBER Carter!!!
there ain't nuthin' 'Neo' about me I was a solider in the
"Reagan revolution". I had my jack boots on while you were still in diapers.
I actually lament the reality that honest debate is not possible on any of these left\right issues. Few if any of the Left-wing comments are worthy of debate.
But how could anyone allow comments such as these to go by unmolested:
post linkage
"I am NOT a liberal--I am a fiscal conservative, but for social programs prefer the policies suggested by liberals as they are more attuned to the needs of society than the surety I see from the far right that those who are in dire straits are always somehow responsible for what is happening to them and deserve every bit of misery they face."
Not a liberal I will return to that using her own words and prove otherwise. Now let us examine further the quote.
"policies suggested by liberals as they are more attuned to the needs of society" While there are no
policies specifically mentioned I believe I can point towards some of them later in the post. Not a Liberal then how can we justify the "the needs of society" Gee sounds hauntingly similar to: 'From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs.'
'Society' does not have needs. People have needs, wants and desires. It is not the responsibility of society or the government to fulfill YOUR wants needs nor your desires hence the comment: “the far right that those who are in dire straits are always somehow responsible for what is happening to them.”
And the kicker you might ask? well it is the rest of that thought!
"are always somehow responsible for what is happening to them"
Oh this is priceless! If they are not responsible then evidently YOU are!!!!
“and deserve every bit of misery they face”
Oh no no no due to their reckless careless negligent foolish behavior
they have an entitlement to an every increasing portion of your hard
earned income. Well this follows that you reward that which you want to
get more of, and punish that which you desire less of.
So by the liberal mode of operation you reward the slothful and to provide this
reward you punish the successful to accomplish your stated goal.
But wait there's MORE!
She goes on in great detail to basically use children as an excuse!!!
(a non-valid excuse because they are not my Kids)
"But many of the kids I work with don't have our advantages. Many are from neighborhoods where poverty is rampant. Many were born to teenage mothers,
who were encouraged to have the children and to keep them,
(by whom you might ask Yes of course the Liberal welfare system which pays by the head) but who never received encouragement to learn parenting skills and who receive no support from family and friends in raising their children ( I am somehow responsible? somehow to blame for this? I should be made to pay into eternity and beyond for this?) Many have been abused--critically abused--by family, by friends of family, by neighbors, and in some few cases by strangers. Many have been used by emotionally unstable parents as pawns to manipulate family and exes. Many are born with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and other drug-related conditions going back to drug abuse before the child was born. Many have biochemical disorders that keep them from learning in a "normal" manner, or from behaving in a "normal" manner or demonstrating their learning in a "normal" manner.
Well That certainly sounds as if the parents are behaving in an irresponsibly manner
would you not agree?!?
Well that was fun now in the very next paragraph we are subjected to this bit of logic:
If we ( WE? whose We?) continue to deprive public schools of funding and insisting that all are equally bad (which is not true), we will set up a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Yes they ARE equally bad and she proves just why they ARE all equally bad in the next sentence. But before that let's consider two things, first HUNDREDS of BILLIONS of dollars are poured down the gaping maw of the NEA every single year in this country, deprived I think not. Secondly the actual numbers that the State I live in, the amount they say they spend on one student for one year is real close to what I shelled out to private education. (between 5 to 9K per year) The quality of product I received is by far
superior to the lousy public education available in my district.
Public schools are equally bad for this among many other reasons but the main one is the concept of “lowest common denominator” Ya know the “grading on a curve” concept?
Back to our saga:
“Private schools can exclude anyone they want for any reason they want--public schools cannot.”
Yes Yes they indeed can and do! They also have the luxury of saying:
You will learn this curriculum and you will learn it at this level or you will not pass!
Back to our delusion:
“So, all the unwanted (s) will remain in the public schools, and again the teachers will be blamed for the "failure" of the public school system.”
OM F’in God!!!! I need a moment to get my head around this one!!!!
No student left behind?!? Teachers are not to blame, Gee we someone to blame if it’s not the teachers then perhaps the students their parents the ‘system’? Oh yes we’ve taken a wrong turn WAY back up thar in this post, Ya know the part about personal responsibility??? Once you’ve deluded yourself anything is possible!!!!!
Well I think you get the picture a feeling that I can analyze any of the left wing positions
viewing them through my jack booted colored glasses and make a point for my side.
It is funny that she made so many points for her side in such a short time.
I would simply ask the following simple questions:
Personal responsibility? Is it the teacher the student the school system or the parents of the students that are responsible for education?
If whom ever you finally deem to be responsible in this situation fails to respond with ability then where to you then begin to falsely attach the responsibility???
yes YOU my friend YOU are to blame it’s your fault not theirs.
Gee me Mommy told me that raising a Kid was a big ‘responsibility’ and that if I wasn’t prepared to properly discharge the responsibility then I should participate in making one.
I’ve only made ONE and in 13 months he will be eighteen and I’ve done my part.
(yes one marriage 23 years same wife she still keeps me around, Oh I know how odd)
Now if you tell me that millions of Americans have turned over the raising of their brats
to the government (it takes a village to raise a child lol) then come to me and attempt to assign part of that ‘responsibility” to me then I will say to you…
I want a DNA test cuz it ain’t my Damn KID!!!
Oh Well what’s the next conservative\commie debate ya wanna throw down on?
Oh I know I can take another snippet from this snippy Lib
She is mad because us folks on the right have the audacity to believe that:
1 : the state of being sure: as a : sure knowledge : CERTAINTY
b : confidence in manner or behavior : ASSURANCE
yes I am an atheist but I’ve lived my life by Christian rules not because there is
a heaven nor a hell but because no rational being could think that they could violate
those basic concepts and prosper.
The left simply can not stand the idea that there is a right and a wrong.
They want you to see the gray areas and believe in moral relativism.
So that’s the next issue to consider.
Are morals relative or are they absolutes?
Quote time:
The spread of evil is the symptom of a vacuum. whenever evil wins, it is only by default: by the moral failure of those who evade the fact that there can be no compromise on basic principles.
"My philosophy, in essence, is the concept of man as a heroic being, with his own happiness as the moral purpose of his life, with productive achievement as his noblest activity, and reason as his only absolute."
"Altruism declares that any action taken for the benefit of others is good, and any action taken for one's own benefit is evil. Thus the beneficiary of an action is the only criterion of moral value – and so long as that beneficiary is anybody than oneself, anything goes."
There are two sides to every issue: one side is right and the other is wrong, but the middle is always evil.