Can a liberal and a conservative be friends?

A liberal and a commie there's no difference

paul_valaru said:
no deviation is ever allowed.

If by deviant behavior you mean doing things that are wrong, I agree.

A Liberal will do something that is wrong and try to get you to
believe that it is normal or OK. (Clinton)
A goose-stepping Neo-Con will at least admit it.
(Nixon Lott Limbaugh)

If on the first day ol Billy-Bob would have said:
I plooked that intern!
The whole affair would have ended right there!
Re: A liberal and a commie there's no difference

Winky said:
If by deviant behavior you mean doing things that are wrong, I agree.

A Liberal will do something that is wrong and try to get you to
believe that it is normal or OK. (Clinton)
A goose-stepping Neo-Con will at least admit it.
(Nixon Lott Limbaugh)

If on the first day ol Billy-Bob would have said:
I plooked that intern!
The whole affair would have ended right there!

nope, devation from everyday routine, and beliefs, not morally or sexual deviants.

It's like you try to open the mind to new ideas, or outlooks, and some people just shut down, and start yelling about this that and the other.

You try to show them other ways, just like you appreciate when people show you new ways, and they freak out.

know what I mean?

If yes, I will be pleasantly suprised.
A liberal and a commie really there's no difference

paul_valaru said:
nope, devation from everyday routine,

You try to show them other ways, just like you appreciate when people show you new ways, and they freak out.

know what I mean?

I don't "know what you mean" please be specific,
an example would suffice. I'm all about live and let live
until it starts to mess with my stuff.

What would be an example of deviation?

Don’t worry Lanny
no long held cherished beliefs will be injured in this thread
Re: A liberal and a commie really there's no difference

Winky said:
I don't "know what you mean" please be specific,
an example would suffice. I'm all about live and let live
until it starts to mess with my stuff.

What would be an example of deviation?

Don’t worry Lanny
no long held cherished beliefs will be injured in this thread

ok, you state:

Not just no but Hell No!

to the question whether liberals and consevative be friends, did it ever enter your mind, that they could be. From your answer I assume it didn't, if you would have sat down and thought about it, that would have been a deviation from your normal routine.

as compaired to deviant behavour, which would be you molesting a sheep. (at least I hope it would be deviant, lol)

anyway ALL this is a moot point, because the question has been answered, yes conservatives and liberals can be friends, we have had at least one yes from a liberal, and one yes from a conservative.
A liberal and a commie really there's no difference

I guess I'm guilty of thread drift here
there I admitted it!

OK it's decided
but I will continue to choose my
friends to be people that would agree that
molesting sheep (or little boys or members of the same sex) IS is? deviant behavior.

Is that OK?
I'm OK
Your OK
But I don't know about that other guy.
Re: A liberal and a commie really there's no difference

Winky said:
OK it's decided
but I will continue to choose my
friends to be people that would agree that
molesting sheep (or little boys or members of the same sex) IS is? deviant behavior.

That is why we have minds, to choose things, like who we like etc.

as for deviant behaviour, I agree that molesting sheep, or children is distasteful, and sick, and wrong.

the same sex thing, while it's not my cup of tea, I have to disagree, and say it is perfectly normal behaviour, and now becoming socially acceptable (slowly, but shirley), therefore not deviant, and by definition a gay person, having sex with someone of the same sex is not deviant, simply beacause they are not deviating from there sexual preference.

and yes the same arguement can be made about sheep etc, for those sheep lovers, but we have been through that on this board many times, if you want to get into it, start a new thread.
A liberal and a commie there's no difference

Nah the subject of my next thread will shock you.

I will take your line of reasoning to its logical conclusion.

<same sex thing,
I have to disagree, and say it is perfectly normal behavior>

<having sex with someone of the same sex is not deviant, simply because they are not deviating from there sexual preference>

<yes the same argument can be made about sheep etc, for those sheep lovers>

AND nambla "having sex with children is not deviant, simply because they are not deviating from their sexual preference"

do you not understand my position?

"by deviant behavior I mean doing things that are wrong"

by your logic if someone considers their actions normal then their behavior IS normal, whoa there big guy put that thing away PLEASE!
Re: A liberal and a commie there's no difference

Winky said:
AND nambla "having sex with children is not deviant, simply because they are not deviating from their sexual preference"

do you not understand my position?

"by deviant behavior I mean doing things that are wrong"

by your logic if someone considers their actions normal then their behavior IS normal, whoa there big guy put that thing away PLEASE!

I never mentioned right or wrong.

same sex is not wrong, because you have 2 consentual partners, both adults, allowed to make there own choices.

sex with children is WRONG, because you have one consentual partner, and one victim, even is the victim is consentual, they have not yet reached an age where they can mke the best desicions for themselves.

Sex with animals is wrong, because the animal has no choice.

now I think we can agree that you and me find sex with animals and/or children distasteful, more than that we find it repugnant.

but our personal opinions is not what makes it wrong, what makes it wrong is that it is not consentual.

you can find homosexuals repugnant, your allowed, but to call them wrong, how are they wrong? they are grown adults, making desicions.

now a couple of things, you called homosexuals deviant, so this is not about gay marriage. and if you bring in the relgion aspect, be aware, there is a very good chance I do not share your religious beliefs.
A liberal and a commie there's no difference

Paul this is becoming a real debate
is this allowed on this board
will I be slammed into the Kiddie Korner
for trying to debate you?

Hmm right and wrong v.s. deviant?

Because two people agree to consent to a deviant act
it doesn't make it wrong?

I would ask just how do YOU define:
Main Entry: 1de·vi·ate
Pronunciation: 'dE-vE-"At
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): -at·ed; -at·ing
Etymology: Late Latin deviatus, past participle of deviare, from Latin de- + via way -- more at WAY
intransitive senses
1 : to stray especially from a standard, principle, or topic
2 : to depart from an established course or norm
transitive senses : to cause to turn out of a previous course

so I’ll give up and ‘consent’ to what must be fact?
that Homosexual behavior is normal.
Well we agree that animal sex isn’t proper
me because I think it’s wrong you because the animal
isn’t allowed to consent!

Do I have your position properly framed in my mind???

I will have to return to these weighty matters later on
I must go join the capitalists endeavoring to make
this a better country.
deviant from WHAT norm, who establishes the norm?

is it me? is it you?

is there a vote somewhere I missed, too establish what is proper behaviour between adults worldwide.

Let's bring this to another thread.
it's been an interesting weekend here at OTC. First I find out that I'm pure I'm apparently halfway to deviant as well.

Who knew? :tardbang:
Leslie said:
it's been an interesting weekend here at OTC. First I find out that I'm pure I'm apparently halfway to deviant as well.

Who knew? :tardbang:
Me! Me! I knew it all along. j/k ;)
In answer to this thread. Can conservatives and liberals be friends. The answer better be yes, or I've been living in a dream world for a while now.

Prof and I have been friends for close to 30 years now. I'm sure that most people on here would label me liberal and Prof, conservative. On OTC, and sometimes over a beer, we argue topics...we discuss them openly from our respective points of view. Once the discussion is's over. We've tested our respective viewpoints and hopefully, we have both learned more of the other perspective and have a keener understanding on our own. of us will move.

Despite your beliefs, Winky. The Liberal/Conservative gradient is one big-ass grey-scale. If the two were polar opposites with no grey-zone...then, I'm afraid to tell you're liberal. I've met real don't match up. Not even close. Welcome to the 'dark side' hombré. :D
MrBishop said:
Prof and I have been friends for close to 30 years now. I'm sure that most people on here would label me liberal and Prof, conservative. On OTC, and sometimes over a beer,

Ha Ha, you both are banished to the "party party" next meeting is Tuesday, 6:30 at the Frothy-Braü, corner of 5th and Elm - - happy hour.
ResearchMonkey said:
Ha Ha, you both are banished to the "party party" next meeting is Tuesday, 6:30 at the Frothy-Braü, corner of 5th and Elm - - happy hour.
Banished to a party? Hah...curse me again! I love a good happy hour...especially at the clubs on Ste-Catherine street from Union to St.Denis, eh Prof?