Can I still eat that?

that's a cool site.

i think for a lot of us, the question also is "do i wanna eat that... again?"
How Much Butter?

How Much Butter? ..... to eat this


"I work for a Sub-sea Survey Company, recently this beast came up attached to one of our ROVs. It measures a wee bit over 2.5 feet head to tail, and we expect it latched onto the ROV at roughly 8,500 feet depth.

FOX News
Pretty cool pic, RM.

You know... I'm a bit torn on that one. Looks nasty, but hell... so does crawfish and I eat those.
That site looks cool Les. There was a lady on the show hoarders last week who DEFINITELY could have used that site. Her rule was "If it's not puffed up I'll eat it"...she even applied that to dairy products! *puke*
That site looks cool Les. There was a lady on the show hoarders last week who DEFINITELY could have used that site. Her rule was "If it's not puffed up I'll eat it"...she even applied that to dairy products! *puke*
"puffed up"? What? Like a blow fish? :confused:
"puffed up"? What? Like a blow fish? :confused:

If the container (milk carton, yogurt container, carton of broth, etc) was unopened and not puffy she felt the food was still good. If you let something go REALLY bad so much bacteria grows that the contents expand and cause the package to bulge.
If the container (milk carton, yogurt container, carton of broth, etc) was unopened and not puffy she felt the food was still good. If you let something go REALLY bad so much bacteria grows that the contents expand and cause the package to bulge.
*hurl* OK... thanks for the explanation.
I can't eat anything that is even beginning to go bad. It makes me violently ill. She must have a stomach of steel.
Well i have visited this site and its so cool. All stuff are great and i also impress with this site.
I think everyone should visit this site.