Can the UN do as promised?

Gonz said:
It doesn't matter. The Hezbos have a PR win. Olmert is gonna fry for stopping.
Replace 'stopping' with 'pausing' and you might be closer to what's likely to happen.
paul said:
Gonz said:
I haven't read it...does it actually call for disarming the Hezbos & ending their grasp of the Lebanese gov't?

NOPE! Nothing but a re-arming stoppage.

10. Requests the secretary-general to develop... proposals to implement the relevant provisions of the Taif Accords, and resolutions 1559 (2004) and 1680 (2006), including disarmament,

Nothing but a re-iteration of what should be done as per the other failed UN wrist slappings.
Text of 1701

read this J Post
There is something in there about the peacekeeping troops helping the Lebanese army taking back southern lebanon from hezbollah, effectively neutering them, in lebabnon.
You, my friend, are too trusting of an organization that has NEVER backed up its words with action.
Gonz said:
You, my friend, are too trusting of an organization that has NEVER backed up its words with action.

no, I am trusting of the mossad to find this quiet time perfect for mass assasinations of hezbollah leaders.
Breast implants save woman's life?

Tue Aug 15, 7:43 AM ET

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - An Israeli woman's breast implants saved her life when she was wounded in a Hizbollah rocket attack during
Israel's war with the Lebanese group, a hospital spokesman said Tuesday.

Doctors found shrapnel embedded in the silicone implants, just inches from the 24-year-old's heart.

"She was saved from death," said a spokesman for Nahariya Hospital in northern Israel. The woman has been released from hospital.


I'll bet those bastards won't pay for the replacement either.
paul_valaru said:
There is something in there about the peacekeeping troops helping the Lebanese army taking back southern lebanon from hezbollah, effectively neutering them, in lebabnon.

It does call for Hezbullah to disarm. I don't think they are calling for them to leave Lebanon. Lebanon wants them out, and wants them to release power they have
freako104 said:
It does call for Hezbullah to disarm.

No, it doesn't. That was 1559 & it's all but null & void.
WASHINGTON - The countries tasked with upholding the shaky truce in Lebanon appeared unwilling to force the disarmament of Hezbollah yesterday, a development that threatens to delay the creation of a massive United Nations peacekeeping force and could ultimately set off fresh conflict in the region.

France, the United States, the United Nations and Lebanon itself have all refused to accept responsibility for stripping the Lebanese Shiite militia of their weapons, despite a key element of the UN resolution that calls for the group to give up its firepower and vacate the southern part of the country.
Linking the disarmament of Hezbollah with a chance for a cease-fire... might as well be asking for the moon.

Even if the Lebanese GVT agreed, they couldn't pull it off, which would put us right back where we were...a 34 day war leading to a full-scale war.
Absolute victory achieves peace every time. It needs to be tried again.
how many instances of absolute victory have there been since WW2, with the increasing prevalence of insurgent-type wars?

vietnam. substantially a loss.
afghanistan. a loss for the commies. and we seem to be having troubles, too.
iraq. if it's ever a "win" for us... nah even iraq part 2 is a clusterfuck.
oh wait, panama? was that a war? no?
hey how are the british and french colonial empires doing these days?

gee if they'd only stand and fight, john wayne could drop right in all git them motherfuckers.

maybe we should just blame the militaries as inept, since their civilian masters, as canonized here, are so beyond reproach?

yeah, i'm sure the UN'll do a great job. at 'monitoring.' maybe they should just become journalists, then?
2minkey said:
how many instances of absolute victory have there been since WW2, with the increasing prevalence of insurgent-type wars?


More Ernie Pyle & less Geraldo
I consider the first Iraq war a win.:shrug:
At least we got them out of Kuwait, and had them partially in check with the
"no fly zone".

Not absolute, but very well carried out to that extent.
catocom said:
I consider the first Iraq war a win.:shrug:
At least we got them out of Kuwait, and had them partially in check with the
"no fly zone".

Not absolute, but very well carried out to that extent.
I don't disagree with that assesment but we certainly set the stage for this one by leaving that one unfinished and this one is an unmitigated fiasco.
IMHO that one was unfinish because Bush 41 didn't get the second term.:shrug:
We don't know what more might have been done....eventually.:confused:
Bush the Father never intended to depose Hussein, nor invade Iraq. The UN didn't give its okay & the Eurotrash didn't have the cajones to step up & take command.