Can we call the press sheep

You're missing the point that we had authorization to remove him from Kuwait, not to invade & conquer Iraq. Yes, many of us think it should have included that little la vie
I would like to call a foul.
Gonz just used a French phrase.
You can't just start calling French fries, Freedom fries then start slinging French phrases around willy nilly.
Shadowfax said:
and it's c'est.

I'm not in France. Nor Quebec :D

Q said:
You can't just start calling French fries, Freedom fries then start slinging French phrases around willy nilly.

I think that whole thing is just stupid so I'm not participating :D

Q said:
I think he needs to go in the penalty box for a few minutes

Would that be your box or Mrs Gonzo's? :p
Gonz said:
Would that be your box or Mrs Gonzo's?
I think I'll just go with letting Mitch smack you about the head and face. No helmet either, buddy boy:p additional penatly for misspelling the French phrase :D