Can you excel in this Mensa test?

Well, it took me an hour and a half just to get 30 out of 33. A couple I'm not sure of.
After I broke 19, some of the answers hit me like a ton of bricks (or maybe that was my hand).

I'll sleep on it. Maybe the last ones will come to me in my sleep.
After a good night's sleep, I've gotten 2 more. 9 and 13. No comments, please, Leslie. I'm feeling quite sensitive today. :p
Got 17 first time round, but I guess it doesn't really count if you don't know whether your answers are right or wrong.
We were all impressed that our receptionist got 20 in an hour, her first go round. Then she shared some of her answers. Her first answer was "26 Layers of the Atmosphere". :rolleyes: :D
Well...I'm just starting again on my excel version which tells you if you're right, but won't display it if you're wrong.

If you want the excel version, PM me with your email addy and I'll send it your way.

Good luck...glad to see that everyone's either blowing fuses or smiling like Cheshire cats :D
MrBishop said:
Well...I'm just starting again on my excel version which tells you if you're right, but won't display it if you're wrong.

If you want the excel version, PM me with your email addy and I'll send it your way.

Good luck...glad to see that everyone's either blowing fuses or smiling like Cheshire cats :D

Sweet. I'll send a pm asap.

Our controller is up to 27. I'm interested to see if she has all of them right. :D
Anyone have a guess for #28? PM me.

Everyone has 21 correct so far in the office (boss, me, controller, and receptionist (though we doubt hers)) ;)
:confused: 21 was a first pass answer for me...seemed obvious. funny how some jump right out at you and others seem like they never will.
or 5 tines on a fork ... even though all of mine only have 4... but... what the hey... perish the thought that I would ever dis the glory of a mensa test.

I have a really bad joke about all of this, but don't know if I can suffer the catcalls and boooos for telling it.
Well... If its groaning youre after ... thats a different oral argument altogether. ;)

and yet another intellectual thread goes the way of all threads when uncle-horny-barticus gets through with it... how sad for us all.