Canada's economy the envy of the world


Well-Known Member
Here's a bone for ya Bish.


Canada's economy is suddenly the envy of the world

By ROB GILLIES (AP) – 1 day ago

TORONTO — Canada thinks it can teach the world a thing or two about dodging financial meltdowns.

The 20 world leaders at an economic summit in Toronto next weekend will find themselves in a country that has avoided a banking crisis where others have floundered, and whose economy grew at a 6.1 percent annual rate in the first three months of this year. The housing market is hot and three-quarters of the 400,000 jobs lost during the recession have been recovered.

World leaders have noticed: President Barack Obama says the U.S. should take note of Canada's banking system, and Britain's Treasury chief is looking to emulate the Ottawa way on cutting deficits.

The land of a thousand stereotypes — from Mounties and ice hockey to language wars and lousy weather — is feeling entitled to do a bit of crowing as it hosts the G-20 summit of wealthy and developing nations.

"We should be proud of the performance of our financial system during the crisis," said Finance Minister Jim Flaherty in an interview with The Associated Press.

He recalled visiting China in 2007 and hearing suggestions "that the Canadian banks were perhaps boring and too risk-adverse. And when I was there two weeks ago some of my same counterparts were saying to me, 'You have a very solid, stable banking system in Canada,' and emphasizing that. There wasn't anything about being sufficiently risk-oriented."

The banks are stable because, in part, they're more regulated. As the U.S. and Europe loosened regulations on their financial industries over the last 15 years, Canada refused to do so. The banks also aren't as leveraged as their U.S. or European peers.

There was no mortgage meltdown or subprime crisis in Canada. Banks don't package mortgages and sell them to the private market, so they need to be sure their borrowers can pay back the loans.

In Canada's concentrated banking system, five major banks dominate the market and regulators know each of the top bank executives personally.

"Our banks were just better managed and we had better regulation," says former Prime Minister Paul Martin, the man credited with killing off a massive government deficit in the 1990s when he was finance minister, leading to 12 straight years of budget surpluses.

"I was absolutely amazed at senior bankers in the United States and Europe who didn't know the extent of the problem or they didn't know that people in some far-flung division were doing these kinds of things. It's just beyond belief," he told the AP.

The Conservative Party government of Stephen Harper that took over from Martin's Liberals in 2006 broadly stuck to his predecessor's approach, though he cut taxes and, when recession struck, pumped stimulus money into the economy, with the result that Canada again has a large deficit.

But it is recovering from the recession faster than others, and although its deficit is currently at a record high, the International Monetary Fund expects Canada to be the only one of the seven major industrialized democracies to return to surplus by 2015.

This month Canada became the first among them to raise interest rates since the global financial crisis began.

George Osborne, Britain's Treasury chief, has vowed to follow Canada's example on deficit reduction.

"They brought together the best brains both inside and outside government to carry out a fundamental reassessment of the role of the state," Osborne said in a speech.

It's a remarkable turnaround from 1993, when the Liberals took office facing a $30 billion deficit. Moody's downgraded Canada's credit rating twice. About 36 percent of the government's revenue went toward servicing debt.

"Our situation was dire. Canada was in a lot of trouble at that point," Martin said. "If we were going to preserve our health care and our education system we had to do it."

As finance minister, he slashed spending. A weak currency and a booming U.S. economy also helped Martin balance the books. In the 1998 budget the government estimated that about 55 percent of the deficit reduction came from economic growth and 35 percent from spending cuts.

"The rest of the world certainly thinks we're the model to follow," said Martin, who was prime minister from 2003 to 2006. "I've been asked by a lot of countries as to how to go about it."

Don Drummond, Martin's budget chief at the time, says the U.S. and Europe won't have it that easy, because the economic climate was better in the late 1990s than it is now, with large trade gains and falling interest rates.

"There's a lot to learn from Canada but their starting conditions are worse," he said. "Even though we were on the precipice of a crisis we weren't in as bad a shape as many of them are."

Copyright © 2010 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.
I already knew it, but thanks for the bone anyway. Now, if we could just get our companies to realize this and start hiring again, that'd be nice too.
My company hired 600 this year. If you want a job, send me your CV and I'll walk it upstairs myself. They're offering a $500 finder's fee.
I don't climb poles and I don't lay lines; I'm not a computer/network tech either, Prof. You, of all people, should understand that I worked hard to get the skills and experience that I have in the design field and would like to at least stay in the same area-code of job-types. Hell, you lament the fact that it took me this long to realize where my skills lay. You have marketing/advertising/design related positions open..I'd be more than happy to look into it and get you that finders fee.
Canada's economy the envy of the world

I don't envy it.
I guess I'm not part of 'the world'.
I don't climb poles and I don't lay lines; I'm not a computer/network tech either, Prof. You, of all people, should understand that I worked hard to get the skills and experience that I have in the design field and would like to at least stay in the same area-code of job-types. Hell, you lament the fact that it took me this long to realize where my skills lay. You have marketing/advertising/design related positions open..I'd be more than happy to look into it and get you that finders fee.

Hence me saying ....

Lots of places are hiring, Bish. They're just not hiring you.

both our lives would be greatly simplified if you'd stop looking for sarcasm and double meanings in my posts. They're not there. They're not going to be there, no matter how much you want them to be.

There's nothing wrong with taking an interim job while you continue your search, is there? Even if you didn't ever want to climb a pole, they pay the weeks and weeks of training prior to that as well. In fact, that, with a side of contract graphic work would give you a steady pay, while not wasting your skills ... at the very least until something solid comes along. And that job comes with Union level insurance. I don't know if the kids' mom has group insurance at her work or not. For pole climbers ... prescription safety glasses are also covered, although the rest of the family isn't.

Yes, I'd love to know that you're drawing your heart out and getting well paid for the privilege .... but that's not happening. As someone recently said ... it's time to shit or get off the pot, no? No matter how comfortable a fishing hole, no matter how quiet, how great the scenery ... if there's no damn fish, there's no damn fish. Maybe it's the job, or maybe it's the neighbourhood. I don't claim to know. How's the market for GD in Quebec city, or ottawa? I haven't noticed less ads in any magazine or newspaper, so those jobs are still there somewhere.
Toronto for the most part..headquarters of the big companies are in T.O. As are publishers. Rogers mostly...they publish a LOT of mags. No satellite jobs, no MTL jobs.

Settling means settling. Continuing a job search with what little time remains in the day after a f/t job and the kids are done with it might as well not exist. Not to mention the time off needed to interview. Been there, done that. It took being laid off to get me out of the last place I accepted a 'temporary job just for a while'. Insight.

I don't look for double meanings.. so far, every time you mention jobs with your company it 'pole climbers' - great little union job..with insurance, no less. Every once in a while, it's computer-related something... wiring, maintenance, cloning whatnot. It's a big company and they hire lots of people. Where are the marketing positions? Probably Toronto.

Soon enough, I'll call someone I know at PC Mall and get work there until they realize that I'm not that good at telephone B2B sales and fire me. That'll give me a year of work and SFA advancement in my career.
Actually BTS's head office is right here. We don't have a marketing dept. Our only customer is Bell. Bell, on the other hand, always posts positions internally first ... and we're internal to them. They don't have one head office. They just opened another huge campus on Nun's island. They've offices downtown in MTL, Mississauga and TO.

But if you don't ever want me to offer again, I won't. Far be it from me to ram a job down someone's throat ... no matter how many times he complains that he can't find one.
I don't climb poles and I don't lay lines; I'm not a computer/network tech either, Prof. You, of all people, should understand that I worked hard to get the skills and experience that I have in the design field and would like to at least stay in the same area-code of job-types.

Very sad Marc.

Get a job. Pay your bills & take care of your family & responsibilities. Once you are working, then you an find the job you want. How long do you expect your neighbors to pay your way (presuming you are not indepedently wealthy)
Canada's economy is as fake as the rest of the worlds

Gonz are you nuts?
He's a Canadian!
I bet old Bish will be able to pull a check forever if he so chooses
ain’t that Right Bishy?

Unemployment here only lasts 99 weeks heh heh
Very sad Marc.

Get a job. Pay your bills & take care of your family & responsibilities. Once you are working, then you an find the job you want. How long do you expect your neighbors to pay your way (presuming you are not indepedently wealthy)

not all of us are in your situation, gonz.

if i lost my job and took some random shit job (e.g. driving a truck) it would be career suicide.

but i'm smart enough to have reserve funding to where i'd be fine for quite a while.
Very sad Marc.

Get a job. Pay your bills & take care of your family & responsibilities. Once you are working, then you an find the job you want. How long do you expect your neighbors to pay your way (presuming you are not indepedently wealthy)

My UI, which I paid into for 26 years, not what I'm living off of. I paid off my biggest expences a long time ago and am effectivly debt-free. No mortgage, no car payments, credit cards paid off month-by-month. Spent little over the years, saved lots and I'm fine.

IF I was in dire straights, I'd be asking people if they wanted fries with that. I've unloaded trains, worked as a janitor, did my share of McJobs. Did it a few times...can do it again, if needed. I went to school nights and worked days while re-educating myself in order to get THIS career going.

Like minkey said... careeer suicide, especially in a competitive job.
Re: Canada's economy is as fake as the rest of the worlds

Gonz are you nuts?
He's a Canadian!
I bet old Bish will be able to pull a check forever if he so chooses
ain’t that Right Bishy?

Unemployment here only lasts 99 weeks heh heh

Hardly. UI isn't forever. Welfare can be, but that'd mean selling off all my assets and clearing my accounts/savings first. No thanks.
if i lost my job and took some random shit job (e.g. driving a truck) it would be career suicide

Sitting around & not working would look better on your resume than getting a haircut & a job? How long can you go, without employment in your field, before you are worthless & need to drive a truck to make a living?

IF I was in dire straights, I'd be asking people if they wanted fries with that. I've unloaded trains, worked as a janitor, did my share of McJobs. Did it a few times...can do it again, if needed. I went to school nights and worked days while re-educating myself in order to get THIS career going.

That's not what you said in your previous post. That is why I was short. It is the exact response I expect from those who prefer giving the government power over its people.
Sitting around & not working would look better on your resume than getting a haircut & a job? How long can you go, without employment in your field, before you are worthless & need to drive a truck to make a living?

i can go quite a while, thanks. and if it happened, i would keep myself busy writing various things that would be career-builders e.g. there's a book i really should be writing at the moment but i'm not because i don't have the energy since i'm running four fucking projects....
That's not what you said in your previous post. That is why I was short. It is the exact response I expect from those who prefer giving the government power over its people.

I meant it literally. I'd rather have a crappy job on the ground than a crappy job 40' up. I don't climb poles. Don't feel comfortable with the exposed heights. I'm also not a computer tech. Hell, that should be obvious from my questions on how to get a simple wireless network up n'running. A comp-tech job would last me about 2 weeks..if I ever got the position in the first place - however unlikely that might be.

I know what kind of jobs I am good at...and what I'd suck at. Where I've got experience and where I'm a newbie scum. What's the point of sending my Curriculum vitae to a company that'd place it immediately in the round file?
But if you don't ever want me to offer again, I won't. Far be it from me to ram a job down someone's throat ... no matter how many times he complains that he can't find one.

You want to mention job offers, that's fine..but at least try and keep in mind what I can and can't do.