well here is what i got in the emailGC, did you find out why you got booted from Gearz?
Actually, the major reason for being `tight` on that site is because it`s not a 'gearhead' site, but is in fact a fan forum. All posting on there reflects directly on Stacey David, a public person with an image and reputation to uphold .... if only with his sponsors. That`s why there's nothing like our Real World forum over there.
Now on Lou's site, you could get as foul as you wanted and folk would just laugh louder ... even tho it was by and large the same people.
And as for creating another user ... banning users is only the first, most limited step. It`s a simple job to ban your IP, your IP range, your provider, or even your entire state (as I told Jimpeel here). Beyond that, one phonecall to the FBI starts charges of harrasment and (since that`s a commercial site) larceny if it`s determined that your behaviour might inhibit others from frequenting the site (and clicking on those sponsor links)
It's not a question of your rights. On a privately owned site, you don't have any. Here too, you agreed to a AUP. That's an accepted limitation on your rights. Legally, these sites are considered as the owners yard. You can be invited to a BBQ at the neighbour's, but he can toss you anytime he chooses, for whatever reason suits him. Here, the rules are presented up front. At the BBQ, less so, but most people don't need to be told what's gonna happen to them if they pee off the diving board into the pool.
Tonks, I think he was talking about over at the other place.
GC, sorry if that came off a tad harsh, but I get that way when I repeat myself, and I just had that very conversation a couple of days back.
Actually, you're a bit of fresh air here abouts.
I`ll pass him the word.
Nah. Just ran CCleaner.
I think its the "remember me" button that messes it up. I'll find out after a couple more log ins.
I have my CCleaner not deleting otcentral (and my bank and shit) cookies by default. Did you do that once and forget?
I still say manually go delete the cookie.