Cap and Trade

how's this. maybe first you disprove that the fumes from the gas grille on my back porch cause lymphatic cancers in the local ground squirrel population?

Why disprove something I don't think is an effect?

Obviously my statement is a stretch but who'd have thunk the federal government would be in charge of GM? AIG? Dodge? BofA? CitiBank? etc. Just because it currently seems outlandish doesn't mean it won't happen. (see homosexual marriage-about 1974)
right. it will be like that movie with arnold on mars.

That is the first movie I've seen in blu-ray that should not have been "upgraded". It looks awful
How many actually read the bill?

There werre a number who'd have read is, had it not been on a vacation week fast-track (say, isn't that getting to be familiar?)

you said if any had read past the title page. They had to have done that to notice there were pages missing. You never said anything about reading the whole thing. Now there's buttocks awaiting, sunshine.
how's this. maybe first you disprove that the fumes from the gas grille on my back porch cause lymphatic cancers in the local ground squirrel population?

oh, wait, no, that's fucking inane to begin with.

Is it as inane as claiming that your grill will destroy the earth? Unless you have a wind powered BBQ, the Crap on Trade Act will tax it.

They are already attmepts to mandate charcoal grills in several cities (including LA)
An STM exerts a significant force on a surface, typically of the order of NanoNewtons
(that's 0.000000001 Newtons, roughly the scale of weak chemical bonds). The force is different,
depending on the position of the atom, and the surface will respond to this difference as shown below:

that's ridiculous. no one's backyard barbeque is going to be taxed.

With so many things we once thought ridiculous already come to pass .... I'd be willing to place a wager that it's not long off. Probably in the form of a pollution tax added to the cost of the charcoal.
With so many things we once thought ridiculous already come to pass .... I'd be willing to place a wager that it's not long off. Probably in the form of a pollution tax added to the cost of the charcoal.

sure, but does this mean we should live like paranoid, reactionary drama queens, petrified of what any kind of change may bring?

hey, if that makes you happy...

(of course i guess maybe asking you ain't the best idea since you'd be happy going back to feudalism and digging potatoes out with a blunt stick...)
Just because you're paranoid .....

As for reactionary .... what do you call the knee jerk response of taxing carbon usage while the jury is still out about it's effects? There's your drama queens for ya.
Oh yes Osama is such an eloquent speaker
that you can't 'hear' what he is saying?

ah C'mon ain't cha had enough


Just because you're paranoid .....

As for reactionary .... what do you call the knee jerk response of taxing carbon usage while the jury is still out about it's effects? There's your drama queens for ya.

there's plenty of drama queens on both sides. we got plenty of examples 'round here.
petrified of what any kind of change may bring?

Want change? Start with your underwear. Then, go about changing yourself any way you wish. Unless there is an urgent necessity, new laws do nothing to enhance our lives. I don't need big brother dicating my life for me.
and again, you just lemme know when the big evil hand of government starts oppressing your ass.

Shall we start with the 1968 firearms act?
Seaplanes banned from all Beurau of Reclamation waters?
Shipping of Black Powder?
How about a decent air conditioner in my car that runs on R12?

Maybe something a little closer to home.

I'm really looking forward to compact flouresent lights being mandated. At least then when I can't read my book, I won't have to kick myself for being stupid enough to buy them. And, with government health care, I won't have to feel bad for the people near the landfill who have retarded children since they won't be burdened by any health care decisions.