1. Shall we start with the 1968 firearms act?
2. Seaplanes banned from all Beurau of Reclamation waters?
3. Shipping of Black Powder?
4. How about a decent air conditioner in my car that runs on R12?
5. Maybe something a little closer to home.
6. I won't have to feel bad for the people near the landfill who have retarded children since they won't be burdened by any health care decisions.
1. big fucking deal. filling out those stupid ATF forms... OMG, what a massive burden!!! if you're that worried just buy through a private party transaction and ta-da - firearm unbeknownst to uncle sam.
2. who cares? seaplanes take off and land all the time near my house. don't seem to notice any problems. how has this caused you harm?
3. you can get black powder delivered to your door by common carrier. you have to sign a release that says you're 21. again, BIG FUCKING DEAL.
4. i don't even know what that means, but i suspect it's about as substantial as the other things you've mentioned.
5. i can scrub my dishes with regular dishsoap before they go in the dishwasher. in fact, i do. anyone who leaves crap caked on 'em is a lazy wuss to begin with and deserves to eat off dirty dishes. again, BFD.
6. what's wrong with living near a landfill? you sound like one of them enviromentalist freaks blaming retarded kids on that shit. and you leave retarded kids out of this.
next you're going to complain about PEOPLE HAVING TO PASS A TEST TO GET DRIVER'S LICENSES. get some backbone and stop whining.