Car accident - mine :(


Well-Known Member
So...I was sitting at a red light waiting behind a panel truck for the light to change. My son's in the back seat...coughing, so i've got my head turned.

The van decides that he needs to be in the next lane over, but doesn't have enough breathing room between him and the car in front, so...he backs up, of course.

...right into me...and pushes me back 12 feet or so, until the sound of me leaning on the horn stops him.

First, he tries to blame me. Then he tries to say that the damages on the car are old (because of the rust he embedded into my hood), then "It's not that bad"..finally, once I've vented my spleen on his self-righteous ass, does he cede the fact that it was all his fault.

40 minutes to fill in the damn form, another 45 minutes on the phone with my insurance company... I have to go to the estimater/garage so they can tell me how much it'll cost and how long it'll take..and whether or not it's safe to drive my van (I have to drive there to be told if it's safe to drive there).

Then i have to make arrangments for drop-off etc.. hopefully I can arrange for somethign while I'm on vacation. $500 deductible, no fault BS!

At least everyone's OK and the airbags didn't deploy!
Welcome to Monday. We hope you enjoy your stay with us. If there is anything we can do to make your Monday more miserable please whack one of out inattentive attendants upside the noggin. Thank you.
Well...last Monday, i spent in the hospital with both my, I must be on a roll. Next Monday, I'm flying to keep your eyes peeled for air-travel mishaps. :p
Damage looks mostly superficial to me. Since the truck most likely wasn't going that fast before he backed into you, I doubt it did much damage to the subframe... radiator support might be bent a little, possibly. You should be able to judge if it's safe to drive or not by opening the hood, taking a quick look and seeing if any of the hoses from the engine to the radiator look particularly kinked.
I can't pop the hood...the locking mechanism is crunched close. Nothing's leaking, but from what I can see from the outside, a coupla-dozen vanes have been bent on the rad. Tough to gauge it from the outside tho'. The 40 minutes of driving that I did afterwards didn't cause an overheat, so you're probably right.

I have a meeting on Wednesday to have a closer look-see.
Yup...but I still have to cough up the deductible for the damage to my own car... AND any damage to his haha
Weird, over here the one to blame must pay the deductible of your insurance. You are not required to pay for his damages if you're not guilty.
If he is at fault you shouldn't have to pay anything at all, right? His insurance should mail you a check, no?
No fault insurance sucks that way. Hell, I once had to pay for the hood, windshield and cel-phone antanae of a car that hit me when I was walking across a road.
If your rad's not leaking now, you'll be OK. The vanes being bent aren't that important as long as it's not that many... they can get bent from too big of a bug hitting them. The rad on Lori's car is actually concave from an accident but it didn't break and works fine even now.
in michigan there's a "mini-tort" where you can recover the cost of your deductible from the at-fault party (even though the grander system is no-fault). but i guess that don't matter since yer in canada.
If your rad's not leaking now, you'll be OK. The vanes being bent aren't that important as long as it's not that many... they can get bent from too big of a bug hitting them. The rad on Lori's car is actually concave from an accident but it didn't break and works fine even now.
I'm feeling positive that it'll be OK, and I'll get a less bug-encrusted hood to replace the old one :) The timing could've been better, tho' :buck:
Unless it involves a crime of some type (DWI, GTA, hit'n'run etc..) it's assumed that all accidents aren't anybody's fault. To make things fair(haha)... you pay for the damage you do to the other vehicle and they pay for the damage they do to yours.

Deductible works as you think it would. Your yearly rates goes down if you're willing to assume a larger deductible. Mine is set at $500. So... the trucker's insurance sends a CQ to my company, who knock $500 off and send me/garage a CQ to pay for the repairs.

The trick is to get the garage to send a larger bill than necessary OR to decide to fix less than needed.

Tomorrow, I go to the garage to see what the bill will be. In the meanwhile, I'm talking with my insurance company to convince them that a crime/violation was committed during the accident. (The driver reversed at a red-light). If both insurance companies agree, It falls out of no-fault. I then avoid paying for damage to his truck (as if I actually dented the damn thing), and the deductible falls on his shoulder's, not mine.

Insane, eh
Well, I'm glad everyone is OK.

As for the insurance thing...Quebec must have some fucked up insurance. As it was explained to me in Ontario (by many parties when I had my accident) and how it worked when I had my accident insurance means each persons insurance pays for the damage to that person's vehicle. If a person is considered "at fault" whether or not they've been charged for commiting any crime by the police then they pay their standard deductable and their insurance premiums go up based on the claim, the person who was not at fault pays no deductable for their repairs and their insurance company deals with the at fault person's insurance company behind the scenes to recover any money they spent. Essentially "no fault" means you deal with your own insurance company in Ontario, the only time you pay out of pocket is if you caused the accident and even then you only pay your own deductable.