Car accident - mine :(

Certainly is.

You would think that the assumtion would be if everyone was obeying traffic laws there wouldn't have been an accident. Right?
Shit still happens, unfortunately. Black ice being a fine example of how something that looks like nuthin' can seriously fk up your day.
Well, I'm glad everyone is OK.<snip>Essentially "no fault" means you deal with your own insurance company in Ontario, the only time you pay out of pocket is if you caused the accident and even then you only pay your own deductable.
The main issue is that I "rear-ended him" - which would normally mean that it's my fault... I have to show that I was not moving, that he was moving and that he was moving backwards into me. The report should cover it...but I don't give insurance companies the benefit of the doubt, eh
Shit still happens, unfortunately. Black ice being a fine example of how something that looks like nuthin' can seriously fk up your day.

Sure, I could see that but I would think no-fault accidents would be the exception not the rule.
Shit still happens, unfortunately. Black ice being a fine example of how something that looks like nuthin' can seriously fk up your day.

I think that's BS, is just another way for insurance companies to minimize their losses in cases where they must pay.

Over here things work a little different, you pay the deductible of the repairs to your car only if you're at fault, otherwise the other driver must pay. You never pay for 3rd party damages, even if you are guilty.
I think that's BS, is just another way for insurance companies to minimize their losses in cases where they must pay.

Over here things work a little different, you pay the deductible of the repairs to your car only if you're at fault, otherwise the other driver must pay. You never pay for 3rd party damages, even if you are guilty.

What happens if your car careens into a parked car, or someone's house, or .. someone? (after the initial accident)
What happens if your car careens into a parked car, or someone's house, or .. someone? (after the initial accident)

Thats where your insurance would cover you,the only exception would be if you were drunk or evading police or involved in some criminal activity.

No-fault sounds pretty screwed up .What would have happened if you didn't drive ,so you wouldn't have had insurance to pay for the the guys car who hit you?
Thats where your insurance would cover you,the only exception would be if you were drunk or evading police or involved in some criminal activity.

No-fault sounds pretty screwed up .What would have happened if you didn't drive ,so you wouldn't have had insurance to pay for the the guys car who hit you?

:shrug: Hit you as in pedestrian? I'm not sure... but in most cases, since pedestrians have the right of way, the driver would be at fault.

In cases of jaywalking..hmm... good question.

In a related can get demerit points off of your driver's license for breaking the road-laws while cycling (if the 'crime' was bad enough). :ashamed:
The main issue is that I "rear-ended him" - which would normally mean that it's my fault... I have to show that I was not moving, that he was moving and that he was moving backwards into me. The report should cover it...but I don't give insurance companies the benefit of the doubt, eh

I ran my 1980 RX7 into the back of a stolen truck and ICBC covered me totally.

*looonnnngg story.
Didja know that it was stolen at the time?

My friends brother had been working on his truck in my friends yard and had left the key in it.We had gone in to have supper and play cards.He came out to find his truck gone,but when I was driving him home after we called the cops to report it ,we spotted the truck .It stopped at a stop sign ,I didn't.After a bit of a chase (yes,I was a complete idiot) the truck blew its engine and the assholes bailed ,leaving the truck rolling down a hill.I jumped out of the car and into the truck and applied the brakes.The two guys ran off ,so we drove back to the Tim Hortons that we'd seen a couple cops at before we spotted the truck. They never found the guys the cops said too bad the dogs didn't get a hold of them .I said, hell If we'd of caught them I'd have chewed them up.Approx. $1500 worth of damage to the car ,not including a repaint ,that I had had painted only several mnths before.
My friends brother had been working on his truck in my friends yard and had left the key in it.We had gone in to have supper and play cards.He came out to find his truck gone,but when I was driving him home after we called the cops to report it ,we spotted the truck .It stopped at a stop sign ,I didn't.After a bit of a chase (yes,I was a complete idiot) the truck blew its engine and the assholes bailed ,leaving the truck rolling down a hill.I jumped out of the car and into the truck and applied the brakes.The two guys ran off ,so we drove back to the Tim Hortons that we'd seen a couple cops at before we spotted the truck. They never found the guys the cops said too bad the dogs didn't get a hold of them .I said, hell If we'd of caught them I'd have chewed them up.Approx. $1500 worth of damage to the car ,not including a repaint ,that I had had painted only several months before.

I jumped out of the car and into the truck and applied the brakes.

You jumped out of a moving car which you were driving, to jump into another moving car (truck), so that you could brake the truck, thereby causing the car you'd just abandoned to rear-end the truck you were now occupying??!?

A.B.Normal 007!
Actually I stopped my car first before getting out of my car,the running into the truck happened prior to the whole chase thing.MAZDAs rock at surviving impacts and keep on running,it helped that when I slammed on the brakes because the truck "had stopped" at the stop sign (they hadn't realized we knew they had stolen the truck) ,the nose of the RX7 dove under the bumper.

Adrenaline is a very dangerous drug ,reason goes completely out the window :fear:
What happens if your car careens into a parked car, or someone's house, or .. someone? (after the initial accident)

Remember I never pay for 3rd party damages, those are taken care by the insurance company with no deductible. If such an even happens after the initial accident, then it is as a new accident and the same insurance kicks in.
Tough luck with the acident man. Your insurance sounds screwey too. Id' have to fight that. But the important thing is nobody was hurt in it.
Here's how my coverage works in California:

I carry liability, uninsured/underinsured, collision and comprehensive.

The state mandates each vehicle be insured for liability, with a minimum of $15,000/$30,000. Liability insurance is for when you hit another vehicle or something else. Someone is always considered "at fault" in any accident. You might have "comparitive liability" in an accident, where the insurance companies of the two drivers decide both drivers had a part in it. In that case, each driver would have to pay half. But no matter what, there is fault somewhere. In addition to insurance purposes, the person assigned fault by law enforcement (even if the insurers decide differently) gets a "point" on his or her license. That means the state keeps track of everyone's license, and a point is a reported infraction... at-fault accident, speeding ticket, etc. Some things, such as reckless driving or a hit-and-run, are worth two points. If you get too many points too quickly (four points in one year, six in two years, eight in three years) then your license is suspended. Additionally, a point stays on for three years. The points will also affect your insurance premium, and could also prevent you from getting a driving-related job.

As for the $15,000/$30,000, that means the insurance will pay out up to $15,000 per person, or $30,000 per incident. Where that can be a problem is if someone with the state minimum insurance T-bones a $50,000 Mercedes and sends three occupants to the hospital, in addition to the damage to the car, the air bags deploying, etc. $30,000 will certainly not cover that, and the at-fault driver can be sued for the difference. I carry $100,000/$300,000. It costs a good bit more than state minimum liability, but if I T-bone a Benz I'm a lot less likely to cause more damage than my insurance will pay for.

Uninsured motorist coverage means that if someone without insurance hits me, then my own insurance will step in and act like the other driver's insurance in terms of paying me. The uninsured driver will still get in legal trouble because of the cumpulsory insurance law.

Collision coverage is what would pay to fix me/my passengers/my car if I crash and I'm the "at-fault" driver... either causing an accident with another car, or hitting a wall/tree/etc. If I'm held at fault for an accident with another driver involved, my insurance would pay that driver and that driver's insurance would not pay me. Collision coverage would take care of that instead.

Comprehensive coverage covers other stuff that can happen to my car besides a crash. From the PDF of my policy:

A loss not caused by collision includes:
1. contact with an animal (including a bird);
2. explosion or earthquake;
3. fire;
4. malicious mischief or vandalism;
5. missiles or falling objects;
6. riot or civil commotion;
7. theft or larceny;
8. windstorm, hail, water, or flood; or
9. breakage of glass not caused by collision.

My coverage also kicks in if I'm borrowing someone else's car and one of the above things happens.

My deductible is $500.
Beats the hell out of the 'no fault' BS we have here, Inky.

Going to see the man with the plan this afternoon...see how much damage there is etc... On a side note, the front speakers on the van don't work anymore and the passenger window ain't budging. Gotta love collateral damage. I'm wondering if 'the man' will list those two items along with the aesthetic damage.
My insurance works pretty much the same as Inky's. However we do not have license points.
Got back from the estimaters... I 'should' get a call in 1-2 weeks when they get replacement pieces. With any luck, I'll be back from vacation. :/