Cardiopulmonary resuscitation

Can you perform CPR?

  • Yes

    Votes: 22 91.7%
  • No

    Votes: 2 8.3%

  • Total voters


Hm, thinking about last year this time, suppose you were in New York and want to help out in some form. Can you perform cardiopulmonary resusication? Or basic first aid? Having grown up in the military it was drilled into me a long time ago.
I learned basic first aid too but it was 12 years ago.

I'd leave it to my lil bro - he's a fireman and paramedic...
I can do the basics, but CPR is a lot more difficult than it looks on TV. I have been trained to do most everything else, though...Including splinting.
im taking a course in first aid and i got out of class at noon today. i love the class cause im learning first aid. but i do not know cpr however i would love to learn it so i can help someone who needs it.
I don't even know the basics....I really should try to master those :(

Such a small effort to learn, but it could save somebody's life...
I learned it a few years ago in health class, kind of just the basics, but not for certification or anything, and I wasn't that good at it. If I ever came upon someone needing it, I'd look for someone else who knows it better than I do to do it first, I'll only do it if I'm the only one there or something.