Cassini-Huygens spacecraft arrives at Saturn


<b>mod cow</b>
after a 7 year journey, the spacecraft (the last multi-billion dollar spacecraft ever made), finally arrived at saturn. after its arrival, the huygens probe will be deployed and sent towards Titan, saturns largest moon. there it will land and gather scientific information.

all the information on the mission, the spacecraft and data it returns is available at

enjoy! :)
:rofl: you have any idea how weird that sounds?! did your parents drop you as a kid? ;)

but it's unbelievable...i remember the day they launched it, and i was thinking...oh my god, 2004...i wonder if i'll still remember then. god, i was 15 then.
i'm actually quite surprised i did remember...alcohol killed so many braincells in the last 7 years :D
and an image...the sheer beauty of space:

Where no man has gone before.

Thanks for the image BTW...spectacular. I can't wait to start seeing some of the better pics of the 20 other moons that we know about for this breathtaking gas-giant.

Hey SF...try to keep your braincells intact for at least another 4 years. That's how long this mission will be.

Wonder what's happening with Voyager I & II
well, i'm trying to keep my braincells alive a lot longer actually. there are some very interesting things happening at the moment in space :)
rovers driving on mars, orbiters around mars (and new missions underway), orbiter at saturn (+ Titan lander) and also a orbiter plus lander underway to a comet: Rosetta

the last one is supposed to reach the comet in 2014...lots of time left :)
MrBishop said:
Where no man has gone before.
Or yet for that matter. When they landed on the moon, I just knew that we would have colonized the Moon and probably Mars by now. :shrug: We should be mining the asteroid belt by now. I've been following Cassini-Huygens since the beginning. :D