Out-freaking-standing OTC member
PuterTutor said:First of all, he was a she. Brig. Gen. Janice Karpinski. Second, No, if a Brig. General gives you an order, you damn well better follow it or be prepared to leave the military.
Sorry, PT, but all orders received don't have to be obeyed. For example...
Your Battalion commander orders you, and your platoon, to knock over a bank in enemy territory, and bring the contents of the vault to headquarters. You don't have to obey that order. It's an unlawful order. If you, and your platoon, are stupid enough to knock over that bank, then, when the news breaks...and it, and your platoon get to be paraded in the press as a reason to disband certain elements of the military. If your only defense is "The BG ordered us to", and you don't have proof, then you'll be in Ft Leavenworth turning big rocks into little rocks for quite some time. If the BG is stupid enough to put those orders into writing, and signs them, then the BG is the one with his/her ass in a sling. Of course, you'll all be together in Ft Leavenworth because you, and your platoon, had an obligation to turn the BG over to your services IG office, along with the original orders (I hope you made copies), for prosecution. The IG would, at that point, take over, thus making the only person in Ft Leavenworth the errant BG...if he doesn't cop a plea and wind up in a VA hospitals Mental ward. You will be hailed as heroes, and quietly moved around to unwanted areas for behavior that could be considered insubordinant, but, at least you won't be swinging a hammer.