Celebrity Gossip.


New Member
At times don't you almost feel bad for some of the celebs? I personaly do. It must truley suck having your life put in front of the world the way it is at times. The damned papparazi(sp?) gets too intrusive at times.


Too cute for words
Birdman1978 said:
At times don't you almost feel bad for some of the celebs? I personaly do. It must truley suck having your life put in front of the world the way it is at times. The damned papparazi(sp?) gets too intrusive at times.
Then don't be a celebrity. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
Birdman1978 said:
Well I am not. I personaly could not handle such a lifestyle in the spotlight all the time.
That might explain Tom Cruise... then again, a library of Psych text-books would have a hard time explaining Tom Cruise :shrug:


Southern Discomfort
Paul Stanley of KISS put it best.

[paraphrase from memory]If you don't want the attention, then go away. If fans bother you, stop being famous. Fans made us what we are, we appreciate being able to live the lifestyles we live, we know who made it possible, and we will do anything we can for those people. It's like being elected President, then bitching about having to wear a tie. If you're lucky enough to get what you want in life, then shut the fuck up.[/paraphrasing]


Well-Known Member
When you stand up in a room and jump up and down yelling "lookit me", you can't whine when people look. If you do it and expect money, you can't be terribly suprised when someone else looks at you and sees dollar signs too.