Cheap calls


Um, one of the telephone companies I'm working with are offering packages for long distance calls... These are good prices if you are into calling a lot: (prices in US$)

Unlimited North America: $19.95
Unlimited Europe: $39.95
Unlimited Mexico: $39.95
Unlimited Caribbean: $49.95
Unlimited Brazil: $99.95

I think the above is pretty good... what do you think? If you don't take a package, most of North America is 5¢ a minute I think, England is 8¢ a minute, and continental Europe is 12 to 15¢ a minute.
I'm in the telco business and I find it interesting how certain places are more expensive / cheaper than others... I am just wondering how the above is matching up with you. The above rates are available in the continental United States only, for now.
ohhhhh dude, they charge us here by minute.

Local phone calls have no time limit, but you pay per call.
I'm not really talking about local calls. Local calls are free no matter where you are in North America. The above is strictly from your long distance provider. I'm currently with Bell Canada. I used to be with AT&T because they are cheaper, but Bell called me up and told me if I switch to them for the next 6 months they will pay me $100 in free long distance calls... well, I switched :D But the six months are now up and I'm shopping for a new long distance provider.
who's got the 19.95 unlimited? more importantly, what's the catch? I switch between AT&T (service & sound) & Verizon (price & local provider discounts).
Hm, will post the name later when I get it, if you are looking for cheap service, I know of 5 companies that offer 3.9¢ per minute long distance in the United States: Unitel Long Distance, Capsule Long Distance, Talk America, AireSpring, and Pioneer Telephone.

EDIT: Correction: Pioneer Telephone is 3.5¢ per minute, but they are fucking dipshits, charging 60 second intervals. The others are 18 second minimum and 6 second intervals, which is the norm.
Luis G said:
ohhhhh dude, they charge us here by minute.

Local phone calls have no time limit, but you pay per call.
You only pay per call here on weekends, or midnight to 6:00 am, that's why I'm usually on net only in weekends...
AlladinSane said:
You only pay per call here on weekends, or midnight to 6:00 am, that's why I'm usually on net only in weekends...

ohhhh i thought you had way too much work the other days :D

My mother's pissed as hell at AT&T and SBC Ameritech, they're giving her the run around as to why my grandmother's 1 minute long distance calls downstate (yes, that's right, not even out of state calls!) are nearly $4 from her old phone line the last year and a half or so. This just adds a lot of fuel to the fire we have concerning the phone companies, I posted a rave on them a while ago at XiBase, I'll go find it real quick...

Here it is!
Sorry, politically speaking Mexico is North America. North American contenent is formed by Canada, United States and Mexico. Latin America's no continent.
AlladinSane said:
Sorry, politically speaking Mexico is North America. North American contenent is formed by Canada, United States and Mexico. Latin America's no continent.
Geographically speaking Mexico is in North America. Geographically you divide it up in continents. Politically when you speak of North America people think Canada and USA, not Mexico. If don't want to take it like that, I change my statement to All local calls made within the North American Numbering Plan are free of charge.
god god god you b*stards in the States... my last phone bill was €376... and I was only phoning within Europe...

It's not just Greece either... a friend at home rings me a lot and he told me it's cheaper for him to ring San Francisco than Athens...
for the most part, it's cheaper here to call the continental US than it is to call another island ... :grumpy:
I just thought of something ... I can never understand how people on the continent figure out what's a local call and what's not. For us, it's easy .. if it's on the same island, it's a local call ... off the island, it's long distance