
I live in a major flight path, and used to see trails all the time,
but in the last 10 years, they almost completely disappeared.

Back when leaded gasoline was still in use (just for time line ref)
the trails were always.
I live in a major flight path, and used to see trails all the time,
but in the last 10 years, they almost completely disappeared.

Back when leaded gasoline was still in use (just for time line ref)
the trails were always.

There was one morning I went outside and the sky looked liked one giant sheet of graph paper. I will never forget it.
There was one morning I went outside and the sky looked liked one giant sheet of graph paper. I will never forget it.

For what it is worth, I am a Boeing engineer with 20 years of experience in the aerospace industry.

* There are no special tanks anywhere on our airplanes to hold chemicals to be sprayed out.
* There are no spray nozzles on the airplanes either, unless you count the emergency fuel dump nozzles on the widebody jets.
* This can be readily ascertained by simply looking through an airplane before the interior wall panels are installed. Here is a list of all the tanks which are on a jetliner:
** Fuel, potable water, waste water, engine fire suppressant (Halon + other stuff), cargo fire suppressant (just Halon), hydraulic reservoirs. On the new airplanes you will also see tank-like devices which generate nitrogen to inert the fuel tanks.
* Further, there is no room for such stuff to get installed. You would have to carry TONS of liquid to make spray trails independent of the exhaust condensation, and the only liquid we carry tons of is Jet-A fuel.
* In Everett Washington, the Seattle flight museum has a restoration center where you can go see dismantled airplanes being readied for display in the museum. The work is done almost entirely by volunteers. I assume other flight museums have similar workshops. If you can find one where you live, go to the restoration center and see the planes up close. There’s no where to hide a sprayer system where it wouldn’t be seen by maintenance crews.

* The Boeing final assembly plant is open for tours by the public, and VIPs from all over the world can get close-up tours. The airplanes are built in a staggered sequence, so that two airplanes side-by-side are usually being made for two different airlines.

* The majority of Boeing’s production is sold overseas. In fact, the company is the nation’s largest exporter.
* Thus, if a domestic airplane was modified for “chemtrail production” in the factory, it would be as easy as pie for a foreign VIP to walk over and say, “What are these fancy tanks and sprayers on the American plane which aren’t on my airplane?”
* If any airplane WAS modified for chemtrail to add chemtrail sprayers, the thousands of Boeing employees would have to know. I don’t work in Fuels, and I can identify every tank and tube in the wing area.
* If thousands of Boeing employees knew, then so would thousands of supplier employees who go through our factories, thousands of airlines employees who go through our factories, and all the FAA and NTSB and DOT people as well. Also, our airplanes and factories are inspected by the Aviation Authorities of foreign countries (like EASA from Europe) and they would also need to be in on the conspiracy.
* There would simply be too many people involved to prevent this from leaking out. If the chem trail sprayers were being added in the factory, the secret would be out.

* So what if the chemtrail sprayers were being added by an aftermarket shop?
* You’re back to the same problem. It takes hundreds of people to design, build, and install a major modification on a jetliner, and the mod shops are just as open as Boeing is. You wouldn’t be able to keep the secret.
* Further, most airlines have their planes maintained by outside suppliers, who would have to be in on the conspiracy. Those who do their own maintenance do the work in open bays that again would make it easy to view the modification.
* And you have the same problem that you need to get thousands of maintenance people, suppliers, and certification authorities in on the conspiracy. It would have leaked by now. All it takes is one guy with a cell phone camera, and the world would know.

* So what if they somehow managed to do all this stuff anyway? Now you have to realize that somebody, somewhere, has to be pumping TONS of chemtrail chemicals into these mysterious hidden tanks on the airplanes. You would need a fill valve, and a distribution system, and special trucks carrying the chemicals disguised as fuel trucks. That would take thousands more people to be in on the conspiracy.
* One giveaway would be two fuel trucks pulling up to the same jetliner – one with the fuel and one with the chemicals. Remember, we’re talking about tons of liquid here.
* It just doesn’t work – you would need independent chemical fill ports, and somebody, somewhere, would notice.
* And while we’re talking about it, remember that every jetliner pilot has to check the weight of the plane and calculate a talk off runway length and other factors. The charts are the same for every jetliner of a given type, but if there really were chemtrail sprayers, then the charts for those airplanes would have to be different to account for the tons of chemicals that might be on the airplane.

* So, I really don’t think there is any way to hide the sprayers on jetliners. Too many people would have to know, and it would be too easy to detect by passerby.

* So, what if the chemtrail chemicals are in the jet fuel? This wouldn’t require ANY visible modifications to the airplanes, and far fewer people would have to know about the conspiracy.
* This would be harder to refute, BUT, you would have to discard the “on and off” contrails as being caused by pilots turning sprayers on and off. All the fuel on the plane came from the same fuel trucks and the same fuel tanks, so the supposed chemtrail would have to be continuous from takeoff until landing. I think that would have been noticed by now.

* So to my mind, that pretty much eliminates the possibility of using jetliners to create chemtrails.
* Which means you have to be using military jets, and thousands of them, flying unnoticed back and forth on normal commercial routes. So now you have to have all the air traffic controllers in on the conspiracy as well.
* And the planes will again need special tanks for the chemicals, and special fill ports, and special sprayers, and special tanker trucks filling the chemical tanks on the planes, special non-military suppliers delivering the stuff, and you’re right back to the same issue of needing to keep thousands of people from talking.

Bottom line:
You would need a special delivery system on the airplanes.
You would need a special fill system.
You would need independent tanker trucks.
You would need a separate supply chain.
You would need thousands and thousands of people to hold their tongues, and never have even ONE person leave any incriminating evidence in a safe deposit box to be discovered after their deaths.

It ain’t happening.
but.... but.... Dick Cheney planned 911!
Marvin the Martian assassinated JFK!
Chemtrails are real!
Look at some WWII footage of propeller driven B-17 bombers flying with contrails streaming from the engines.

Contrails are normal.
:shrug: All I'm trying to do is wake you up. There is no conspiracy theory here.

That Boeing engineer information you quoted was quite good at face value. I do not have his expertise so I do not know where he may have flawed. However, I do believe something is going on though I am not sure how exactly it is being executed. The argument that many people would have to be involved (knowing what they are doing) is not true. You can get a vast majority of people to be involved in something through compartmentalization. You can give someone plan "C" but they do not see the whole plan of "A-Z".

1. A U.S. weatherman talks about the chemtrails being caught on the radar. - It is in the OP

2. Unsolved Mysteries episode on chemtrails. - A MUST WATCH!!!

3. Chemtrails in Germany.

By watching the first two videos at least, how can you deny nothing is going on?
You're kinda mashing up several different things together.
The first and last are chaff runs. Basic defence vs. radar guided missiles.
The middle story :shrug: I dunno...though I remember the show
The conspiracy theory of Chemtrails is a whole other story... the checkerboards etc... that one seems to be talking about either controlling weather or mind-controll using commercial airliners on a huge scale.

Pick a story to follow through on, eh

Do you want to talk about using chaff in tests over populated areas?
Do you want to talk about what THEY might be trying to do?
Do you want to talk about the feasability of chemical warfare?
You're kinda mashing up several different things together.
The first and last are chaff runs. Basic defence vs. radar guided missiles.
The middle story :shrug: I dunno...though I remember the show
The conspiracy theory of Chemtrails is a whole other story... the checkerboards etc... that one seems to be talking about either controlling weather or mind-controll using commercial airliners on a huge scale.

Pick a story to follow through on, eh

The first one assumes it is chaff runs. It could be anything. However, the third video about Germany goes more in depth about what meteorologists have uncovered.

Yeah, the middle story, something has to be going on there. It is not everyday human cells are in rain gobs.

Do you want to talk about using chaff in tests over populated areas?
Do you want to talk about what THEY might be trying to do?
Do you want to talk about the feasability of chemical warfare?

There are many theories as to what the chemtrails are used for like the ones you mentioned to weather modification. There are many videos including news reports including one I saw of someone collecting rain water and had a news crew get it analyzed to find barium. Fiber webs have been found on bushes that were dangerous. I do not know what purpose these chemtrails are for. But they do exist and our government has a history of conducting tests on the population without consent.
Cloud seeding's been around for a while, eh. This is more like accidental cloud seeding., Cato..there are no chemicals other than dihydrogen monoxide involved.
If it helps Bish's case, I completely agree with the article. From the perspective of science, it's completely plausible.

It's not talking about weather control in the sense of deciding what to make the weather, it's talking about affecting the weather on a small scale because air turbulence caused by the passage of the speed can make water vapor condense.

IIRC, there is a very similar effect that has been observed with boiling water in the microwave, where it heats in such a way that the water is above the boiling point, but has not been disturbed, so it remains liquid. However, if you were to stir it or drop something in it, it would rapidly froth and bubble.