Chevy Volt not as amped up as it was touted

Private industry; without the twats in government
to tel them what to do would build a series of cars
that the consumer couldn't wait to get their hands on.
Without the nimrods in government taxing the piss
out of the whole deal, and mandating that the UAW
get paid like kings, they'd be able to sell those cars
at a profit and still hand the Japs their asses.
and without the fucks in Washington around to tax
the M-class corporations the jobs would still be in
this country not overseas. And your mom wears
government issue underwear.
That says that higher learning taught specialization but not ingenuity. So, in essence, we're right back to where we started. I think the little guy gets shit done & you think the supercorp gets more shit done.

The impasse continues.
Chevy Volt doomed to fail like O'bambo

Holy shit Minx I'm sold!

Clearly M-form corporations should be running the economy
rather than some dumbo eared sambo and his czars in DC

Even a truck driver can see the validity of this position.
there's a saying...
"necessity is the mother of all invention"
Albert Einstein

many of the greatest inventions were created with just what people had "on hand".
Cheap, but they worked great.

Now, patenting, and manufacturing, and maybe marketing, is where the larger
moneys start adding up.

I believe many time inventions are "over thought", and many times it's
because the people doing the thinking are drawing huge salaries, and feel
they have to put on a show.
Breakthroughs these days require beellions of dollars
in backing but it's still some first world white guy that does it.
And yeah the ChiComs aren't going to be at the helm of world
business nor finance. Neither is that mulatto in the White House.
Fear not once we've cleared these Fascists out of the way
things will return to business as usual.
Business as usual? FDR? Teddy Roosevelt? Woodrow Wilson? James Garfield? Maybe LBJ or William Jefferson Clinton? We could get lucky & find a man like Harry Truman or Ronald Reagan, or maybe a woman like them.
oh OK fine Gonz not business as usual.

The Rino's will keep trying to make us into Europe
and the TEA partiers will all arm themselves and
start shooting IRS agents!
nah, no guns to start with much (actually shooting),
but waterboarding and such may make a comeback.:devious:
i don't think i said that.

You do go down that path.

the TEA partiers will all arm themselves and
start shooting IRS agents!

I see a problem. Someone once mentioned this & in then end, it's accurate as hell.

The problem with starting a revolution, at this point in our history, is we are no longer the children of Madison, Jefferson, Washington & Franklin. Instead of fighting for freedom, we'd end up with the French revolution instead.
OK Gonz fine then STFU and enjoy the
socialist utopia they'll create for you!

And remember: work harder millions on welfare
(and now the Chinese) depend on you.

If our nation revolts, with the current state of education & public discourse, we'll all be following the French into socialism.
huh? you're not a socialist, and you're exemplary of the state of education and discourse in this nation.