Chevy Volt not as amped up as it was touted

yeah, for sure. the level of public discourse in this country would be several notches higher and the rest of the western world wouldn't think we are a bunch of cousin fucking gruntgnomes that can only name-call and spout stupid slogans.
yeah, for sure. the level of public discourse in this country would be several notches higher and the rest of the western world wouldn't think we are a bunch of cousin fucking gruntgnomes that can only name-call and spout stupid slogans.

Nah. We'd be stuck listening to the putdowns of self-important blowhards who think an education makes them smarter than the next guy. The rest of the western world may, publically, condemn us, but they sure as hell beat a path to our doorway for all the goods we provide or improve. Our shores teem with huddled masses, breathing free. That's more than they can say.

greed my ass. you have any idea how much it costs to design and build a new vehicle from scratch?

Who really cares? We're talking more about the difference between a regular car, and an electric one ... and this guy is taking any (ANY) car you bring to him and making it plug in electric, with as much mileage as you're willing to pay for ... and he's doing it without gov't backing, or a multi billion dollar company. You want a brand new, zero tailpipe emission '67 chevelle ... Easy ... and more than likely cheaper than this POS
Chevy Volt is the freakin' failure we all knew it would be

Who really cares?

The shareholders that's who!

You build what the customer wants
You build what will make a profit
and we don't want stupid electric cars!

Man those Volts are flying off the shelves ain't they?
yeah prof, who cares when it's cartoon wonderland!?!! ROI don't matter when you got unicorns sniffin' in yer bum.
Try again. the cost of developing a new body is already there in every new model year ... no reason for increase. The cost of tech ... already there ... nothing new in this pos. With their infrastructure, they should be able to turn out volts for no more than $1000 more than any other car they build. There's no new factory lines, no new body composite, no new energy absorbing structure. fuck, even the battery tech they're using was old news in the battery industry a decade ago.
if it's all so simple and cheap maybe you should get into the business. i'm sure you'd find plenty of investors, once you told them all this stuff and your level of expertise became obvious. why, i can surely tell, right away.

I don't know what the regulations are in Canada, but it'd stop a person cold here.
Regulation is probably half of the production cost anymore.

America will never be innovative like they were in the industrial revolution because of that.

Get government out of the way, and we could be great again.
Obambi to mandate Americans buy Chevy Volt's

Get government out of the way, and we could be great again.

I daresay we'd beat the rest of the world down inna fortnight!

Don't worry we are speeding down the socialist rathole at full speed.
