Chicken and Dumplings


Active Member
The dumplings are like eating clouds.

I'm not going into the cooking and boning of the chicken. LOL
Just don't throw away the broth.

Dumplings can either be dropped into the boiling broth or rolled out and cut into strips. Your preference.

Ingredients needed for dumplings

1 1/2 sticks of margarine or butter --- your preference
2 cups of water
2 cups sifted flour
1 teaspoon salt
4 eggs

Bring water, butter/margarine, and salt to a boil. Add the flour all at once. Stir and cook until mixture until it pulls away from the sides of the pan --- only a short time. Remove from heat and let cool for a short time --- 2 minutes, max. Add the eggs, one at a time, stirring well between each addition.

Then either drop into the boiling broth, or roll out and cut into strips. Don't overcook the dumplings. It takes only 1 or 2 minutes in the boiling broth to cook thoroughly.
Prof, you can measure out the butter using a measuring cup and water.
The total weight of the butter is 6 oz. Put 6 oz of water in a 2 cup measuring cup --- Put butter into the water until it rises to 12 oz. You now have 6 oz of butter.
I wonder if anyone else is aware that chicken and dumplings is a euphemism for sex? Of course, as a guy I can confidently state that just about everything is a euphemism for sex. :lloyd:
Anyone ever use flour tortillas cut into strips as a replacement for slick dumplings? I've done it before and while it wasn't the best I've ever had it was pretty damn good.
Well, speaking of dumplings, the BF made the perfect gnocchi last night. The secrets were having really gnarly old dry potatoes, a little bit of polenta, and using whole meal organic flour instead of white. Yum!
It's actually cool. Everyone has a pitcher that they put it in in their fridges and the bag has a nozzle on the top for pouring. It's less waste and the milk is fresher as not a lot of air hits the milk. The down side is the container is smaller so you go through more and there is that whole clear packaging robs minerals arguement.