Mare said:
Do you have kids?
How far do they try to push YOU?
What are Your Methods of punishing them?
Do YOU believe in spanking or are you a Time-Out parent?
Well, my son is 28, and he's 6'2" and in pretty good shape, so spanking is right out of the question.
I do however believe in corporal punishment. I even want them to bring it back for certain adult crimes. My rule of thumb for children (mind you I never used it, my son was fourteen when I met his mom, even that's too old for spanking, but this is how my dad worked it and it worked
very well) would be:
1. Ask the child if they understand why they're being spanked. If they don't understand, there isn't much point to any punishment.
2. Make them repeat the reason or reasons to you.
3. You don't use a belt or a stick, use your bare hand.
As for adults (such things as DUI, shoplifting, etc.) a prescribed number of lashes to the back, attended by a physician, duty to be rotated by random drawing or some such. I just think if you got twenty lashes for drunk driving, it would be a much more effective deterrent than a fine and time served.
Edited because I r a idjit.