No actually Ch
The CDC and many other agencies tracked cancer and other diseases that resulted from the three thermonuclear airbursts over LA Denver and Portland. It was later seen that the greatest impact was on the food supply.Dairy land that had fallout and all meat products were an issue. (imported beef and other products were hot items)
Iodine was issued for at risk members of the population. Cesium 137 and Strontium 90 turned out to be as nasty as prior research foretold they would be.
Because the weapons were detonated at heights of about 4500' AGL, fallout was minimized but of course the weapons effectiveness in killing people was maximized. As was believed by studies done years before, most of the injuries were in the form of burns.
(plastic surgery was a real hot business for many years afterward)
It was later determined that the Chinese warheads only generated between 2.6 and 2.8 Megatons of explosive power.
(it was thought they were supposed to be 3.3 MT warheads).
Not to mention the business of replacing all the Nukes we lobbed at the Chicoms, (592)
it was seen as very important that we get the nuke force back up to snuff incase we
needed to wipeout anyone else.
Denver and Portland were able to relocate their rebuilding efforts thereby saving having to decontaminate, in Los Angeles many new techniques were developed to deal with the rather minor radioactive contamination.
An outgrowth of the tens of thousands of people who were blinded by having their retinas burnt by the thermo-nuclear fireballs was an exciting new procedure that also found uses for glaucoma sufferers.
Yes a good time had by all except the 17,256,092 Americans that perished that day.
Oh yeah and their relatives.
Tell ya one thing, the insurance companies breathed a sigh of relief when the Supreme Court upheld that they didn't have to pay a dime in claims. Even the life insurance wasn't paid lol
The Taxpayers had to foot the bill!
Chapter three, the Asian aftermath…