unclehobart said:
They have vast weaknesses in their command and control capacity. We can still shroud them with confusion and inability to wield their air power effectively. Without a navy, we can drive right up to their coast... right where 80% of their population is. Their terrain limits passage west. A few dozen key bridges would cut their ability to send tanks and supplies west by half if not more.
Do we think that India and Russia will sit back? They are traditional enemies if not seriously irritated with each other all the time. The muslim middle east and north africa have no love for a country whose inner mandate denies religion altogether.
North Korea would probably take advantage of a general war to make a grab for the south since our ability to react with force there would be seriously diminished.
Japan would probably start spninng up an army posthaste... lord knows their industrial capacity would be a helluva compliment to our own. The only trouble is keeping them supplied with raw materials. This is why China needs a good navy, Hex... to forcibly isolate Japan and Korea from our sphere of influence. They need to be bullied into neutrality.
I'm sure you probably have a much better grasp of the location of stratigic loacations/weak points in that part of the world so i don't think i can really comment. One point however is that Chinas multi-level air defense network
is based on Russian technology and covers 90% of Chinas coast, urban areas and strategic locations.
This network consists of:
Long-range, high-altitude ADM systems, represented by Russian-made S-300
Mid-range, mid-altitude ADM systems, represented mostly by Russian-made TOR-M1 & KS-1 systems
Short-range, low-altitude systems, represented primarily by Chinese-made copies of the Russian Tunguska missile-artillery system.
So China is prepared for our stealth airpower.
A couple of other points that i believe will be in Chinas favor in such a scenerio.
1: I believe China already has the ability to wreak havoc upon the communication systems of the world and this is by no means limited to the internet although this is where most of the damage would be done. imo the worlds internet would be literally wiped out.
2: I don't believe Russia and the republics would sit it out but rather would side with their old nemisis China. In their view we are the greater of two evils.
Truthfully i don't see any of this happening before the next war in the middle east. China has always been patient.