
unclehobart said:
I'm not really sure how modern China is in its electronic, command and control, detection systems, range in missiles, quantity of missiles, quality of munitions, training, and veractiy of the day-to-day soldier.

I registered over at Jane's website ... but they wanted nigh over $2,000 for a full tell-all dossier.


The nerve! :lol:
Looks like Jane's got ahold of a copy of "The Rules of Aquisition"...

Go here and scroll down to the military section, and click on the picture of the page for information. ;)
I'm still looking for outright numbers of persons, equipment, and quality. Lord knows the PRC have a massive army... but what % of it is modern and what % of it is stuck in the 60's? Do they posess the air and naval capacity to deliver a ton of troops all at once? Do they posess the sophistication in electronic warfare to level the playing field somewhat against the high tech defense in Taiwan?
Spiffy stats and layout of the history and actions... but still no definitive order of battle. I like concrete numbers.
I look at china like this, they have 95% of the of the worlds knowledge of advanced weaponry\communications systems. They have 200% the workforce needed for production, 50% materials and 50% of the energy they desire to feel secure enough to repel USA which is exactly what Chinas military is being built around.

1999 Lt. Gen. Patrick M. Hughes, then-director of the Defense Intelligence Agency testified to the Senate Armed Services Committee concerning Chinas navy

These select forces will have achieved a reasonably high level of proficiency in 1980s-style maneuver warfare by 2010. They will be well equipped with theater-range missiles, "late Cold War equivalent" tanks and artillery, more advanced diesel and third-generation nuclear-powered submarines, and approximately 20 new surface combatant warships.

I would also venture to say that China has some secrets of it's own.
This to complimant the 270,000 men and women of the The People's Liberation Army Navy(PLAN).

All this about the navy doesn't look too fantastic when compared with that of the US but the navy imo is the least crucial aspect of Chinas military machine. China could increase it's standing armed force of 3+ million tenfold in short order. The fact is that the mainland could exponentially increase it's force simply by promising to feed recruits to the point that there would be no way of repelling them from a march into the middle east(to meet their energy needs) short of nuclear arms. Also marching on Taiwan doesn't require a cutting edge navy as it's less than 100 miles across the Taiwan straight. In this scenerio ground-based defenses would be more than adequate.

imo China simply does not require a navy to compete with ours as there's nowhere aside from Taiwan or the middle east that they would wish to go.

Concerning Taiwan, i don't believe China will make an offensive move however they will take "defensive" measures if Taiwan does anything too radical. On the other hand Taiwan has done everything but declare formal independence and that is the one thing that the mainland will not accept. Would we defend Taiwan? Yes. Ultimately the entire thing would turn out to be a bloody mess.
The hell they can't. China has a long history of being a cyclical power. They rise & fall, time after time. It's time to rise once again. This time they can threaten us because of our most previous President & his traitorous actions.
Gonz er yum like NO!!!
If you'd read that link you'd see that their
place is one of getting their asses handed to them. Sheesh
If you want to be all fearful of something why don't you try
being afraid of the...

Go back 4000 years. The link shows primarily civil wars. I'm speaking of world conquest expeditions. 1.3 BILLION is a good start.
They have vast weaknesses in their command and control capacity. We can still shroud them with confusion and inability to wield their air power effectively. Without a navy, we can drive right up to their coast... right where 80% of their population is. Their terrain limits passage west. A few dozen key bridges would cut their ability to send tanks and supplies west by half if not more.

Do we think that India and Russia will sit back? They are traditional enemies if not seriously irritated with each other all the time. The muslim middle east and north africa have no love for a country whose inner mandate denies religion altogether.

North Korea would probably take advantage of a general war to make a grab for the south since our ability to react with force there would be seriously diminished.

Japan would probably start spninng up an army posthaste... lord knows their industrial capacity would be a helluva compliment to our own. The only trouble is keeping them supplied with raw materials. This is why China needs a good navy, Hex... to forcibly isolate Japan and Korea from our sphere of influence. They need to be bullied into neutrality.

As usual, you all miss the obvious. The US is never going to war with China, for one very good reason. Spare parts. They'd have to retool half the factories in the US before they could hope to survive without the Chinese factories. Not to mention that the Chinese would only have to redirect that output to their own war machine.
We retooled in 1942. Within 6 months, virtually every major manufacturing plant in the US was a war machine factory.