Choosing the sex of unborn......

Luis G said:
what's the big deal of having girls?

tell them to shut the fuck up, if they start to cry tell them you'll spank their ass so she have a reason to cry.

That's not so nice...if the kid is constantly throwing tantrums that's one thing...but overall girls just need to be raised differently than boys...and come with alot more worry I think.
And they wanna do crafts. And the histrionics. And the freaking barbie shoes. And the histrionics. And they wanna colour. And the histrionics. And they want the *blank*. And the histrionics.

Never mind the belly shirts :eek:

Girls are some scary shit.
My little cousin who is six likes to do crafts...he's a boy...he also likes all sorts of trucks and things that make noise and/or are dirty...he's pretty well rounded I guess :shrug:
Give a girl a craft set and she wants you to go get ten more to make a craft party out of it and have all her friends over and you to sit and do the craft with all of them, ALL DAY. Give a boy a craft set, he sits, does it, asks for help *if* he needs it, and at the end he gives it to you for a present.
Leslie said:
Give a girl a craft set and she wants you to go get ten more to make a craft party out of it and have all her friends over and you to sit and do the craft with all of them, ALL DAY.


I was always a very solitary child...not in the sense that I didn't LIKE being around people but I had no issue playing by myself...I wasn't very old when I'd put myself to bed if my parents were busy or had people over...when they'd go to look for me they'd find my clothes strewn down the hall and me in bed buck brother however screamed if my mother was out of his sight for even a dad used to have to trick him into going into the basement with him to the workshop and my mom would have to run out the house before he realized she wasn't going down with them...just for her to go shopping...she said if she had him first there wouldn't have been a second...she wouldn't have cared how much my dad bugged her for another.
Slim Pickens said:
How do you think we feel? Marlowe-5, Malory-4, and Payton-3...I'll have 3 girls in high school at the same time! :crying4:

My mother survived with having three daughters at relatively the same age going through all the teenage hormones etc at the same time (us girls are all roughly two years apart). And just when she thought she's up for a break my brother hit his teens. Serves them right for having him so late :D

She left us to sort ourselves out - unless there was a lot of bleeding she didn't get too involved (my sisters and I tended to sidestep the general teenage girl type of bitching when we fought and instead went straight to physical violence, used to beat each other something stupid).
Neat thing about having boy is you can beat 'em silly

(just kiddin' I only had to resort violence twice)

Never had a gurl

ya can't whip the crap outta them, can ya?
Winky said:
Neat thing about having boy is you can beat 'em silly

(just kiddin' I only had to resort violence twice)

Never had a gurl

ya can't whip the crap outta them, can ya?

We got hidings (I wouldn't call them beatings - a beating is something that leaves you crippled. A hiding is something that leaves you disciplined). I can honestly say I deserved each and every one of them that I got, was a bit of a hellion. Actually us girls got more hidings than my brother ever did. Our fault really since we always came up for him when my parents wanted to punish him for being bad.
Geesh, my sisters never took up for me, they usually picked on me. But that's OK, I remember it everytime they ask me something about computers :D
alex said:
Geesh, my sisters never took up for me, they usually picked on me. But that's OK, I remember it everytime they ask me something about computers :D

I stick up for my brother when I think he's right and my mom is wrong...but when I think he's being an idiot I side with my mom (although I usually keep it silent and then talk to him one on one since he's got a thing about authority and it's usually more beneficial if I can chat with him when there's no yelling going on).