Christmas gifts...

I know pau. Pau is easy. What I want to know is: what is the Hawai'ian word for blowjob? The online dictionaries are rather... edited. :D
I have no clue what pau means and I've been too lazy thus far to google it. :(

I have a list of those I need to get a little something for (a little something for some of the co wokers, nothing fancy), so I think I'll hit the Everything's-A-Dollar shop. I love that store. :D
unclehobart said:
I know pau. Pau is easy. What I want to know is: what is the Hawai'ian word for blowjob? The online dictionaries are rather... edited. :D

hmm.. I'm thinking something like 'omo'omo ... ku'u - what do you think?
Got all the kiddies done..godchildren, friend's childre etc.
Bro-in-law and sis-in law, done
It's Prof, Camelyn, my sis, my folx and MOST querida that I need to shop for.

I can't come up with spare time to do it, so it'll all be on the fly. Aaargh!!
This year I only have Rusty, my parents, one sister & brother in law and two kids to buy for as far as family goes. I have a few people at work I'm going to get some cute stuff for but nothing major.

I have an list building and all I have to do is figure out how I'm going to disperse all these purchases among the credit cards and then order. I'll probably do it tonight or at most, tomorrow. is a wonderful thing. :D