Christopher Reeve died


molṑn labé
Staff member
Nikki Finke in Los Angeles is reporting that actor Christopher Reeve is dead, according to sources close to the actor. He died suddenly Sunday. News of his death has not been reported publicly yet. His family will make an announcement Monday at the earliest. Reeve was just mentioned Friday in the second live presidential debate by John Kerry. Noting he was a friend of the paralysed Reeve, Kerry said he was in favor of further stem cell research because Reeve could walk again one day thanks to such science.... MORE...
Re: Rumor/Christopher Reeve

BEDFORD, New York (AP) -- Christopher Reeve, the star of the "Superman" movies whose near-fatal riding accident nine years ago turned him into a worldwide advocate for spinal cord research, died Sunday of heart failure, his publicist said. He was 52.

Reeve fell into a coma Saturday after going into cardiac arrest while at his New York home, his publicist, Wesley Combs, told The Associated Press by phone from Washington, D.C., on Sunday night.

Reeve was being treated at Northern Westchester Hospital for a pressure wound that he developed, a common complication for people living with paralysis. In the past week, the wound had become severely infected, resulting in a serious systemic infection.

"On behalf of my entire family, I want to thank Northern Westchester Hospital for the excellent care they provided to my husband," Dana Reeve, Christopher's wife, said in a statement. "I also want to thank his personal staff of nurses and aides, as well as the millions of fans from around the world who have supported and loved my husband over the years."
Re: Rumor/Christopher Reeve

that whole Reeve to the chair was just weird. I never would thought it. His superman movies were good in the day.


Re: Rumor/Christopher Reeve

wow. All he struggled through, and finally it was just an infection that took him down.

He did some good works the last few years.
ResearchMonkey said:
See I try to respectfully PM you and you go blow a gasket.


How can assuming I am gay, displaying your intolerance towards a minority of the worlsd population, displaying your apparent aboration of a sensitive male and weaving your opinion of me into the merits of a fine movie be respectful?
Angry Again said:
How can assuming I am gay, displaying your intolerance towards a minority of the worlsd population, displaying your apparent aboration of a sensitive male and weaving your opinion of me into the merits of a fine movie be respectful?

When trying to make a point make sure what you're typing is readable.
THIS IS AN RIP THREAD!!! HAVE SOME RESPECT FOR THE DEAD YOU FOOLS! The forum may be called OFF TOPIC CENTRAL but there are times and places. Stay out of this one!

Christopher Reeves was an inspiration to many people with spinal cord injuries and let's hope the research continues. I loved the superman movies and it's sad to see him go at such a young age after all the fighting he did to keep going. He will be missed! :crying4:
I heard about his death yesterday, but was away and couldn't post then. There's something to be said about the bravery of this man. Most people, when faced with full paralysis would merely give up, but C.Reeve chose to fight a new fight for research into stem cell research, not out of his own need to wal again, but for the needs of the thousands upon thousands or paraplegics in teh world and for those to come. He showed time and again, through fund raisers and his own persevearance, that he never really took that cape and Superman outfit off, but wore it on his soul...trying to rescue others from a fate often worst than death.

Rest in peace Christopher deserved it after all your hard work!

Hopefully I won't sound like an asshole for saying this... but I really hope this doesn't turn into another Princess Diana.
No Inky, you don't sound like an asshole saying that. And I doubt it will.

Besides, glad to see someone else who doesn't think she was the bee's freakin' knees.;)
Sure, it was sad she died. Yes, she would have survived the crash if she'd just worn her seat belt (the bodyguard was the only one to wear his and was the only survivor despite his seat taking the brunt of the impact), but it was still sad she died. However, I got a little tired of hearing about it. It just never went away... and just when I thought it had finally gone away, the one-year anniversary came up, and we had to go through this all over agian... then the two-year anniversary, and the three-year anniversary.