chug it, barak

i've been working for about the past 13 hours and totally forgot about the debate. shit... i wanted to watch it...
round two too the Mormon
game, set, match!
From the transcript of the debate:
PRESIDENT OBAMA: Well, think about what the governor — think about what the governor just said. He said when I took office,
the price of gasoline was 1.80 (dollars), 1.86 (dollars). Why is that? Because the economy was on the verge of collapse;
because we were about to go through the worst recession since the Great Depression as a consequence of some
of the same policies that Governor Romney is now promoting. So it’s conceivable that Governor Romney could bring down
gas prices, because with his policies we might be back in that same mess. (Audience murmurs.)

Dude this guy is an idiot and so are his followers!
After filling my tank I used my cel to snap a pic on 12-15-2008
because I knew it would be a really long time before I'd see prices like these again

so once more Obama chose to


you don't have to be a non-union truck driver, a plummer oe a nobel prize winning economist
to know why fuel prices are near four bucks a gallon, what effect that has on
the prices of all the stuff we need to function and
how Obamney could send these prices plummeting with ease.
Yup that and repeal Osamacare and we'd be off to the races.
yes we need to institute price controls on all commodities and make the state the arbiter of such things, comrade...

yeah obama might as well say shit like "um, like, that's your opinion, dude..."

Price controls?
“Free people and free enterprise are more effective at reducing costs than government will ever be.”
Where on earth did you come up with that idea?
Supply and demand, yanno the invisible hand?

yeah gas prices will plummet magically as soon as er no it takes years for new oil exploration to bear fruit...

shit man you wanna believe more than gotholic...
1 to 1 on the debates, but Romney is still going to win.
We'll just have to see which companies he's going to crony with, but
at least things should stabilize in business over-all.
Other than that, I'm not much more optimistic, except the maybe Ryan can
put him in the right direction on one or 2 things.
Minx you make this too easy, yes fuel costs will magically plummet
and every other measure of economic health will improve overnight.

Get ready for the Tea Party

so ya don't think Romney can influence fuel costs over night?
Hell I bet the cost of a barrel of oil starts down before November sixth!


Minx you make this too easy, yes fuel costs will magically plummet
and every other measure of economic health will improve overnight.

this statement reveals exactly how much you know about how the world works. did you want your cookies and milk now?
dude the sky has been falling forever in yer quivering jelly-like gourd.

how's this... if the world don't end 12.12.12, will ya shut the fuck up?

so hey what is obama's endgame here? he intentionally raises gas prices and creates more unemployment, to incite civil disobedience, to in turn rationalize a crackdown, and put people like you into camps? have you thought about seeking mental help?