chug it, barak

he intentionally raises gas prices and creates more unemployment, and takes over GM
and gave illegals amnesty through executive order and socialized medicine

to get that 47% number to become higher with every passing day

not to worry Obamney will never reverse the long march Your dreams will be realized in the end
of the Republic
yeah it doesn't matter who you vote for.

so what you're saying is you are trying to rationalize being lazy and not getting off your ass to go vote?
I have fully rationalized my future non-participation in this silliness
by the end of the next term the 47% will be in the majority forever.
resistance is futile we will all be assimilated
hmmmm, the clumsy application of the censor's big fat black marker i see... mad with power you are...

Actually it was a case of self censorship
as much as I like playing to your fascination
with my fascination even I realize that you can
put an eye out.

nope it was a hate crime. gonz is choking your free speech. any minute now gotholic will link your struggle to something that alex jones said backstage at a rally in peoria, in 1997, to a small group of intimates. which is especially interesting because gothie was only three years old at that point. guess alex likes 'em young too.
you married her at 22? yeah that explains a lot... (pause while gonz struts in with sturm und drang about "making a commitment" and how my type will never understand that...)
No I met her when I was 22, (December 1981) we moved in together 6 months later (summer of 82)
we bought a house together (summer of 84) We married December 28th 1985
and our Son was born August 17th 1987 and he checked into the Honors dorm at U of A on his 18th birthday.

Hmm guess we'll just stay together till I fall over dead eh?