If you wish to participate in a left leaning forum, go ahead. Most of us here are of the conservative bent. You knew that coming in. Which is why you joined.
Actually, we had Leslie as a balance to Gonz, she being so far out in left field that she's on a first name basis with the Green monster. Unfortunately she's off too, without leaving a forwarding address or a return date. We were much better balanced, but most of our liberal contingent found a more liberal site and spend all their time over there agreeing with themselves, unless someone else from here decided to go there and stir the pot some.
Too bad. One forum among many & everybody had to get their panties in a knot & forget to untwist upon exiting.
Don't hurt yourself patting yourself on the back, there, sunshine. i lost a lot of good friends that week, and I'm still not in a terribly forgiving mood about the whole affaire.
I had no idea this forum was just for conservatives. Where's it say that?

Never has. Never will. That happens to be the leaning of a majority of our members.

Liberals are more than welcome.
Because we need to credit the original author or the source from which you got it.

He did his part....Spike, your turn.
My turn? As soon as you replace all those "search for it, it's here somewhere" remarks and quit considering Gato_solo's "I said so and I'm in the military so you cannot question me" statements as relevant.
Gato_solo's duty status is irrelevent, in fact your post is close to crossing the personal attack line...

You're right. His duty status is irrevelant. Thanks.

Although my post is not a personal attack. Unlike so many of yours. And his.