Claim to fame


New Member
I was just having a conversation with an ex-coworker and she just had to work in to the conversation that she's related to Adam Sandler somehow. Like a fourth cousin or something. I asked her when the last time was that she saw him. She said she never met him.

She wanted to know why I was laughing at her. I said that name-dropping doesn't hold much weight with me. That I'm sure there are people I know in my daily life who know or are related to famous people but don't name-drop all the time.

Me, my only "claim to fame" was meeting Paul James from a HGTV gardening show (really nice guy). And Eddie Money went to my school. But I never met him, only was told stories about him by my social studies teacher.

So can any of you prove my point, do any of you know or are related to someone famous?
I went to school with the drummer from Nirvana, Dave Grohl. I was a freshman he was a senior, he didn't know I was alive and I didn't know him personally - which was odd because I hung around in the same circles.
This next one is a stretch but at least made for an interesting Thanksgiving conversation. My first husband's Grandfather's second wife (who we always had Thanksgiving dinner with) was the first cousin of Abigail Folger, who was killed by Charlie Manson's cronies at Sharon Tate's house.
Name dropping is a funny practice to me. I mean, it's not you that is famous or whatever and it's not like cooties- it don't rub off.
I went to high school with the bass player in Ricky Skaggs' bluegrass band, Kentucky Thunder.

My mom worked with Billy Greer's wife (bass player/backup vocalist in Streets and Kansas).

I've met dozens of dudes in famous rock bands, and dozens of NASCAR drivers. Not kin to any of them, or at least none that owe me money.

I know Gonz a little bit.

I've seen AE naked.


Otherwise, no I can't name drop.
Met Paul Stookey (hope I spelled it right, of Peter, Paul and Mary) a couple of times. He was related to a high school friend, Paul Simon backstage at a concert (after the breakup). Played a show with Pure Prairie League once but we were long gone before they showed up (I did meet some of the Lost Planet Airmen at that show but not the Commander) Supposedly related to Kenny Rogers but I don't know how. I'm with you on the name dropping though. What's the point, who cares.
The one that comes immediately to mind for me is something that HomeLAN and I did together about 12 years ago. Homey's eldest sister was just getting out of UGA with an art degree... or something like that. Anyway, apparently graduating seniors have to put on an exhibition of work in various styles... paint, clay, oils, sculpture... several rooms worth of stuff. Naturally, Homey was invited; I merely tagged along. Homey's sister used to date the drummer for REM. She knew all of them, UGA is in Athens, GA, REM hails from Athens, GA... they were in town... they came. So Homey and I were able to hang out and do superficial small talk a few times over the course of an hour with them.

On a solo note, the gym I used to belong to was wrestler Lex Luger's place. I used to see all kinds of wrestlers going through there. Wrestlers are pretty nice people if you pretend you don't know who they are. Once they hear you call them by their stage name, they tend to freeze up a little expecting you to be one of those WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! REY MYSTERIO! YOU DA SHIZNIT! types. So long as you are a normal person and they have the time... then celebs are affable and chatty... mostly. I have worked out with and personally chatted up Rikishi, Rey Mysterio, Kevin Nash, Randy Macho Man Savage, Diamond Dallas Paige and Kimberly, various Nitro Girls, Lex Luger, and the nicest ...Sid Vicious. I have seen and been near dozens of others... so many that I could prattle on for 20 minutes trying to remember their names. It would be easier to name those that I didn't meet than those I did.
Let's see, I once walked right behind Steinar Albrigtsen for a while on a fair. I'm somehow related to Miss Norway from a couple of years back, her dad is a famous actor round these parts. My cousin, the police officer, has been on tv a few times in the line of duty, he's one of the guards during a trial that's getting a lot of media coverage these days. I once worked out in the same gym as one of our top ski jumpers. I've bumped a car door into the side of a former minister of social affairs. (Her car was butt ugly anyways)

Damn, that's all so un-impressive. Tell you what, how bout I go get really famous, then y'all can drop my name when you wanna impress someone at parties. :lloyd:
chcr said:
Met Paul Stookey (hope I spelled it right, of Peter, Paul and Mary) a couple of times. He was related to a high school friend, Paul Simon backstage at a concert (after the breakup). Played a show with Pure Prairie League once but we were long gone before they showed up (I did meet some of the Lost Planet Airmen at that show but not the Commander) Supposedly related to Kenny Rogers but I don't know how. I'm with you on the name dropping though. What's the point, who cares.
You forgot about getting the bird from Karl Yastremski!
I'm pretty sure I'm not related to anyone famous (though, my brother's ex-wife was the great, great, great niece, or something, of Frank Nitti, Al Capone's old buddy). However -- and I was just discussing this the other day with a friend -- my oldest brother went to (Edward R. Murrow) high school and was friends with Adam Tomei, the older brother of Marisa Tomei, the Oscar-winning actress, while she attended the same school one or two grades behind. A very good friend went to high school and was once friends with Fran Drescher, the Nanny. My best friend for many years was some kind of distant relation to Mussolini.

Okay, enough of that.
Rusty went to Edward R. Murrow HS also. :)

Btw, thanks for proving my point everyone. I had also forgotten about Gonz's claim to fame. Maybe he'll grace us with his presence sometime soon. :D
I can, however, brag to Tonksy that I met David Carr and asked him some questions for the paper when he was still in college. :D
My uncle was a part of the team that did the first ever heart transplant.
Went to school with a bunch of peopple who were the children of celebs or are now celebs themselves.
I've met Nelson Mandela.
A few of my friends play rugby for the national team.
Oh and last night there was a big article in the local paper about my ex (he's going to the World Firefighter Championships or games or whatever they call in in Hong Kong next month) - right now that's the coolest thing cos everyone who saw the article thought they'd give me a call to discuss - some thinking that they'd hurt me somehow and others to have a bitch fest about the man. Only one realised that we're still friends & just mentioned it in passing.
Oh yeah and my grandma's cousin was a famous wrestler over her :D

So what do I win for knowing famous people? Hey - you want my autograph? ;)
tonksy said:
I went to school with the drummer from Nirvana, Dave Grohl. I was a freshman he was a senior, he didn't know I was alive and I didn't know him personally - which was odd because I hung around in the same circles.

Dave Grohl? Dave GROHL??? i LOVE him ... LOVE HIM ... :headbang" Foo Fighters .. yeah baby ...

We know lots of Hawai'i celebs .. and live with a few :D
Plus, i know ku'u .. she's a world famous editor, translator and acclaimed hula dancer, even featured on "Great Performances" on PBS :headbang:
nalani said:
We know lots of Hawai'i celebs .. and live with a few :D
Plus, i know ku'u .. she's a world famous editor, translator and acclaimed hula dancer, even featured on "Great Performances" on PBS :headbang:

You win! :beerbang: