cleaning products you swear by


New Member

this is mine. i love this thing!! no matter how much times we scold her, my daughter will mark up the walls, draw on nalani's carpet with a permament marker, use a crayon to color on the tv screen, etc ... and this product MAGICALLY erases it all!!

i love it!! :lloyd:
My favorite brand is called "Marked Down for Quick Sale". It's hard to find, though, and is usually hidden on the back of the shelf... ;)
*LOVES the Magic Eraser* :headbang:
WD also works great for crayon/pencil crayon/markers.

and good ol'fashioned baking soda rocks for general usage everywhere too!

Scrub Free Soap Scum Remover.

I have a HUGE shower (big enough for at least six people - don't ask how I know :brow: ) and this stuff makes keeping it clean a breeze. You just spray it on and let it sit for 20 minutes (12 minutes Canadian). When you rinse it off it leaves the ceramic tile and glass sparkly clean. And it's cheap. :cool:

Do not, repeat, DO NOT use the "Magic Eraser (TM)" on your self!

I changed the oil my truck, then I used the "cute little white sponge" to clean the grease off my face and neck.

about 10 minutes later I felt the pain and limphatic fluids/puss seeping from my skin.

I had abraised all my skin and had micro-scabs an all the areas I had used the damn thing on.

My wife says my forehead has looked better ever since thoo.
ResearchMonkey said:

Do not, repeat, DO NOT use the "Magic Eraser (TM)" on your self!

I changed the oil my truck, then I used the "cute little white sponge" to clean the grease off my face and neck.

about 10 minutes later I felt the pain and limphatic fluids/puss seeping from my skin.

I had abraised all my skin and had micro-scabs an all the areas I had used the damn thing on.

My wife says my forehead has looked better ever since thoo.

Is that one of those 'oxy-clean' style bleaches? If it is, you should've read the lable. I'm sure it warns against prolonged skin contact...I just hope you don't try to sue for your lack of reading the instructions... ;)
I dont think there is any cleaner in it. I think its just a micro-abrasive and has some grooved particles that actually captures material.

After I had the dermabrasion episode, I tried it on a sctratched DVD and successfully polished out the scratch-out with it.

BTW, - I dont know if I would be using it on a TV screen because it does dull polished surfaces.
Leslie said:
think it'd be good on Playstation games? :confuse3:
Being as they are black it may be different than a regular CD.
If they are buggered already it couldn't hurt to try ,but if the play fine I wouldn't risk it ,that being said PSone games are really damn cheap nowdays.
ResearchMonkey said:

Do not, repeat, DO NOT use the "Magic Eraser (TM)" on your self!

I changed the oil my truck, then I used the "cute little white sponge" to clean the grease off my face and neck.

about 10 minutes later I felt the pain and limphatic fluids/puss seeping from my skin.

I had abraised all my skin and had micro-scabs an all the areas I had used the damn thing on.

My wife says my forehead has looked better ever since thoo.

OH MY! :lloyd:
ResearchMonkey said:

Do not, repeat, DO NOT use the "Magic Eraser (TM)" on your self!

I changed the oil my truck, then I used the "cute little white sponge" to clean the grease off my face and neck.

about 10 minutes later I felt the pain and limphatic fluids/puss seeping from my skin.

I had abraised all my skin and had micro-scabs an all the areas I had used the damn thing on.

My wife says my forehead has looked better ever since thoo.

Are you the reason why cleaning companies print on their lables to specifically not huse on human beings or animals? :lloyd:
Do it right and you can clean your entire house using just bleach and ammonia... but never mix the two. I tend to get lazy though and use generic windex, Simple Green, the occasional bit of 20 Mule Team borax, and some sort of clingy toilet bowl cleaner (usually lysol).

I learned what you can do with bleach and ammonia while working at the pizza place.
I luuuurrrrrve cleaning!

Not tidying but cleaning.... making things fresh and dust and grim free... scaring the germs away! *CB stops to polish her computer screen* Thats better!

At the moment I'm into "Mr Muscle" Orange cleaner... cuts through even the thickest grill grim!!!! And the Oxygen bleaches are a God send! No more annoying white marks on your lino around the loo where the bleach has ran down the side of the pan!!!!!

That reminds me... tonight I'm washing my jeans and darks and doing my fortnightly "top to bottom" in my room... literally cleaning top to bottom a big thorough clean rather than a little mini every three dayer... starting with dusting all the cobwebs out the corners of the ceiling and finishing with a thorough hoover/vacuum of the carpets and a brief stain removal using 1001!!!!!

I'm moist at the prospect!!!!!!!
Yep, Swiffer is excellent. I have a question though. Why is it that even though my wife and I have found various products that work quite well, why does she have to try every new POS that's advertised on the tube????