*click here to stick up for breast cancer*


New Member
click me

3M, the maker of Post-it® Super Sticky Notes, will donate $1 to City of Hope Cancer Center for each of the first 75,000 people who sign up to show that they are "sticking up for breast cancer." City of Hope is one of America's top fifty cancer hospitals according to U.S. News and World Report. The 3M donation will help further the groundbreaking research conducted by City of Hope. Visit 3M Donations to learn about other ways 3M is supporting the City of Hope.
Bloody 'ell. People come from places OTHER than America y'know!

*BoP is now apparently a citizen of New York, as that is the closest sounding state to New Zealand* :lloyd:
I signed my name it it. City of Hope is where I got referred to for my Tourette's Syndrome diagnosis.
BeardofPants said:
Bloody 'ell. People come from places OTHER than America y'know!

*BoP is now apparently a citizen of New York, as that is the closest sounding state to New Zealand* :lloyd:

hehe, yeah but they don't wanna be donating money for people all over the world :D
i clicked the thread, but the only thing that sticking up is in my pants. :p

/me sheepishly clicks link to benefit the better looking half of the population.