Climate change natural says new study

Re: Oh, no! More global warming!

I guess we can add Denver to the list of places mentioned in POST #94

This Decemeber has to get behind a long line of other December months with MUCH more snowfall. Including just last year which amounted at almost twice what we got this year, and it was only the 3rd snowiest Dec in records.

Just one SOURCE of many for Denver snowfall.

We had a lot of snowfall on Dec 25th this year and only expected about 3 inches or so. However, last year at this time, we had this:


I would say that is a lot more than 15 inches. So yes we had almost double the average of snowfall, but there have been many years with much more and it wasn't labeled "Year of Global Cooling".

It boggles me a bit that someone so fascinated with facts and science would add a place to a "Year of Global Cooling" list with only the information from one day of snowfall in 2007. Even more so when you stop to look at the examples in post #94. We have not had a huge freeze that killed crops or a death toll in high numbers. I think last year the storm killed about 15 homless men (incluiding a young man I used to know). While 15 is still too many, it is not considered a huge travesty and should not be compared to the 200 plus dead from cold weather in South America. They had not had snow or cold weather like that since 1914. Denver gets snow every year and we are all prepared for it.

Besides, that whole list was about record low temps...since when does lots of snowfall always equal record low temps? In Denver we can have it snow 3 inches with the sun shining. I have seen it.

Let us not even begin our record breaking high temps in Denver the last few summers.
Usually, here in Longmont, we get 1/3 of what Denver gets. Last December, we got three feet of snow because the storm looped around and came in from the NE. That hasn't happened since 1986 when Longmont also got hit hard.

I have been shoveling snow all day today. We have gotten about 6-8" so far.

t boggles me a bit that someone so fascinated with facts and science would add a place to a "Year of Global Cooling" list with only the information from one day of snowfall in 2007. Even more so when you stop to look at the examples in post #94.

The post was facetious but I didn't think I had to post that.

The fact is that for the past eight years the global temperature has been flat. There has been no warming since 1998. Many scientists are saying this could be a foreboding of a cooling trend.