Climategate scandal growing

This is just getting sad.

Updated December 09, 2009
Scientist 'Pressured' to Defend Climate Research

London Times

Britain's Met Office has embarked on an urgent exercise to bolster the reputation of climate-change science after the furor over leaked e-mails, referred to as "Climate-gate."

More than 1,700 scientists have agreed to sign a statement defending the "professional integrity" of global warming research. They were responding to a round-robin request from the Met Office, which has spent four days collecting signatures. The initiative is a sign of how worried it is that e-mails stolen from the University of East Anglia are fueling skepticism about man-made global warming at a critical moment in talks on carbon emissions.

One scientist said that he felt under pressure to sign the circular or risk losing work. The Met Office admitted that many of the signatories did not work on climate change.

John Hirst, the Met Office chief executive, and Julia Slingo, its chief scientist, wrote to 70 colleagues on Sunday asking them to sign "to defend our profession against this unprecedented attack to discredit us and the science of climate change." They asked them to forward the petition to colleagues to generate support "for a simple statement that we ... have the utmost confidence in the science base that underpins the evidence for global warming."

Met Office reports on temperature changes draw on the work of the University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit, from which the e-mails were hacked. Phil Jones, unit director, has agreed to stand down while an investigation takes place into claims that he manipulated data to exaggerate the warming trend and tried to block publication of alternative views.

One scientist told The Times of London he felt pressure to sign. "The Met Office is a major employer of scientists and has long had a policy of only appointing and working with those who subscribe to their views on man-made global warming," he said.

Professor Slingo denied that the Met Office had put anyone under pressure. "The response has been absolutely spontaneous. As a scientist you sign things you agree with, not because you are worried about what the Met Office might think of you," she said.

Continue reading at The Times of London

It's'd be hard-pressed to take a picture from any distance...from up close though.

But gore says that it is the size of a continent. Shouldn't it be visible from space if it is that large? Shouldn't it be listed on the man made features which can be seen from space -- the Great Wall of China, the Salton Sea, and the Pyramids -- if it is visible?
Well, damn Oregon and Washington maybe Alaska too. AS far as I know Cali doesn't dump in the sea anymore. Certainly China, Russia, Japan, Mexico or the Korea's wouldn't dump their trash into the sea.

I still prefer paper over plastic.
Well, damn Oregon and Washington maybe Alaska too. AS far as I know Cali doesn't dump in the sea anymore. Certainly China, Russia, Japan, Mexico or the Korea's wouldn't dump their trash into the sea.

I still prefer paper over plastic.

Kali treats its sewage before they send it on that long seven mile trip out to sea. Every once in a while they screw up and the beaches have to be closed.
As far as I know we don't poop much plastic. With the sewage: what I'm aware of is San Diego get a good wash-up from Teeejwanna sometimes, closing the harbor and some of the beaches. I've been told the Camp Pentalton has even had problems with sick soldiers during beach landing practices.

Updated December 15, 2009
Polar Bear Goes Hunting for Climate-Gate Scientist at Copenhagen Summit

By William La Jeunesse -

Using a megaphone that pierced the rumble of hundreds of people gathered at the conference center housing Copenhagen's climate conference, a man dressed as a polar bear went looking for controversial scientist Phil Jones — but he was nowhere to be found.


o a chorus of boos, a man dressed as a polar bear entered Copenhagen's main conference center Tuesday and began paging the discredited climate scientist whose hacked e-mails sparked the Climate-Gate scandal.

Using a megaphone to pierce the rumble of hundreds gathered inside the Bella Center, which is hosting the city's global climate summit, the polar bear boomed out:


Jones, who stepped down from his leading academic post amid swirling scandal earlier this month, has reportedly skipped the climate conference entirely. But his shadow and his words could affect its outcome.

It was Jones who, in an e-mail to a colleague, wrote of using a "trick" to "hide the decline" of data indicating global warming from the 1980s and onward. That e-mail and thousands of others were posted online in November, and have since been taken as evidence by skeptics to claim global warming is a scam.

One of those skeptics was the man behind the bear suit: Phelim McAleer, a journalist and filmmaker who last year produced "Not Evil Just Wrong," which disputes many of the assertions made in former Vice President Al Gore's documentary, "An Inconvenient Truth."

McAleer, a persistent critic of Gore's film, frequently attends public events and venues to question and discuss the Nobel Prize-winner's position on environmental issues. McAleer has now turned his sights on Jones and the Climate-Gate scandal.

When asked about the motivation behind his protest, McAleer explained his vision of a future film, a Roger & Me for the climate change movement. "I wasn't getting anywhere with conventional attempts for an interview," he told, "so I decided to use the environmentalist trick of dressing up as a polar bear to catch attention."

Theres a serious side to to McAleer's antics, of course. "Professor Jones has produced a lot of the IPCC's science and now he and the science is in question and he needs to answer some serious questions," he said. "They are suggesting massive changes to our way of life — therefore Professor Jones and his dubious methods should face hard questions."

Jones and others have come under intense fire since the hacked e-mails became public. Other climate researchers were revealed to have blackballed dissenting scientists and the journals that published them, planned to delete sensitive stores of climate data, and regretted aloud the "travesty" that temperatures had flattened out in the past decade.

Jones, a leading academic in the field of climatology, left his job as the director of the Climatic Research Unit at Britain's University of East Anglia pending an investigation into the e-mails. For years, he and his unit have sounded alarms about a pending climate catastrophe -- but now they are facing increasing scrutiny over their work, which was taken as gospel by many in the field.

The 57-year-old Jones has become a distraction to some but an embarrassment to others who believe climate change is real. While no one in the highly partisan crowd attacked the bear, one woman advised him to "get out of here now while you still can."

Just not before getting his picture snapped.