PT said:
Ya know, I realize you have pretty strong feelings on this and all, I think we all realize that now, but damn. Is there any part of your life that isn't influenced by these feelings?
When I see a company actively going about the business of eradicating my heritage, yes I take it seriously. As anyone should. You would too.
I may make next to zero difference, but it's that much money they don't have to kill my heritage. It makes me feel better. That's what life is all about I thought. Personal happiness and all.
If Mega Conglomorate XYZ started donating millions of dollars to erase your heritage, you might react differently. But I doubt it.
If my persistence and dilligence bother you, you have choices. Mute me, ignore me, whatever you like. It only shows me that I am starting to make people sit up and take notice of issues they otherwise wouldn't be aware of, whatever side of the argument you fall on. I don't ask anyone to support my feelings; I just voice them. That being a primary purpose of a message board to begin with, I don't see a problem. If one exists, someone needs to tell me.
Yes, I am passionate about these things. Not a crime. Yes, I am vocal. Not a crime either. If the message causes you some real pain or discomfort, either remove the messenger or yourself from the message, like any other message in the world.