Collector's Anonymous...

Aunty Em

Well-Known Member
OK, time to step up to the plate and admit your addiction... yeah you know the one you hide 'cos your embarrassed to admit it... you're a collector! It just isn't kewl is it, but we all do it as we get older.

So here's mine... I collect dolls... and here's the piccy to prove it... plus my newest aquisition(she looks late 50's early 60's syle clothing to me) who will be joining us shortly... and yeah most of them AREN'T Victorian... I just feel that there's something seriously sad about all those frilly Victorian dollies... I prefer more contemporary styles. :lol:

... and yes they do all have names. :eek5:
Had several before...

Working to rebuild the CD collection. The LPs...too daunting. We're getting some of the Stephen King books back, don't know if we'll replace them all or not. The KISS memorabelia is gone and largely irreplaceable. Same for the 50 or so Hot Wheels cars I had from my childhood. The Foxfie Books have been replaced, and the rest of the library is getting there.

Yes, we collect too many things.
I collect junk.:D
I have that thing where it's just hard for me to throw-away anything.
I'm not really bad like saving tin-foil and stuff, buy I do have quite a
collection that most people would have in the landfill by now.
It just seems like when I throw-away something that 'could' be use for 'something'.
then the next week I'll have an application where I could have used it.:shrug:
we collect DVD's. have around 400 now.
i also have a small collection of pewter dragon figurines. havent bought any new ones in awhile though. ran out of space to put them and its getting harder to find ones i like.
she has a collection of dolphin figurines in glass, pewter and ceramics. she hasnt bought any new ones for the same reasons.
Tools. I attend toolaholic's Anoymouse three times a week. Although them holding the meetings right next door to Sears isn't helping any.
Stuff. I dumpster dive.

Collections is Tetley teapots, and tins...old tins like cookie tins and the like. Pottery, but only that that I really love. And books of course.

I plan to soon start collecting tools.
Oh, I forgot to mention, the stuffed toys, books, dvds, cds, videos, old magazines, my bottle collection, my stamp collection and old banknotes... the dolls are just the latest in a long line of "collectibles". I'm a hoarder by nature...

Maybe that should be Collectaholics Anonymous...

Oh and Leslie... if I had the nerve I'd definately dumpster dive(we call it skip diving here)... I'm always seeing things that I like but I never have the guts to go and help myself. Good job really... I probably wouldn't have room for my bed otherwise. Minimalists R Not US...:lol:
Leslie said:
I plan to soon start collecting tools.

Don't. Trust me on this. It's worse than crack. The worst part is ... you can justify it all. It starts with a regular claw hammer. Then you need a ball peen. Then the fiberglass faced mallet. Then the 8lbs sledge. The dead blow. Then you move to the vibration damping hammer. Then you need a toolbelt to carry it, and the nails. The tape measure. Carpenter's pencils. Holster for the drywall drill-screwdriver. The drill itself. The 5 piece kit that uses the same battery as the drill. The toolchest to store them. The bits. The blades. The doohickeys and geegaws.

And that's jsut the first store.
Er, I've got 3 tool kits and a couple of power tools... does that qualify me as a toolaholic yet?
I have 16 bottles here in the box. Not worth taking back, but also not very decorative in the middle of the kitchen, so I think I'll put it out with the recycling for the scroungers to grab.
Oh, dear, do I have to 'fess up?

Let's see

My largest collection is also the oldest --- glass insulators off telephone poles. Have around 400 in various shapes, sizes and colors. Would sell my hubby for a red one, though. I do have some from various countries, including Mexice, Australia, and Romania. You can see some pics here These are not mine, but I have a lot of those on the list.

My other collection is NASCAR stuff --- diecast cars and beanie bears make up the largest part. I also have a genuine left rear quarter panel off the #8 Buweiser car. I also collect Sam Bass lithographs --- signed both by Sam Bass and the subject.
I collect dust bunnies under my desk. Does that count?

I may have mentioned it before but I think they have a nascent civilization under there.
TexasRaceLady said:
Oh, dear, do I have to 'fess up?

Let's see

My largest collection is also the oldest --- glass insulators off telephone poles. Have around 400 in various shapes, sizes and colors. Would sell my hubby for a red one, though. I do have some from various countries, including Mexice, Australia, and Romania. You can see some pics here These are not mine, but I have a lot of those on the list.

Looks like you're winning on the weirdest collection so far.... :lol:
i've got about 12 instuments now... latest addition:
