COME ON ENGLAND!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
14:53 min in...goal down...then BECKHAM SCORES! OH YEAH! OH YEAH!


:band: We're on the ball!... We're on the ball!...

I know this is essentially a brit thread but WHO CARES!? JOIN IN THE FOOTBALL FEVER!

Soccer... beh... Who is Beckham? And what exactly happened? I'm not really up to date with yer local sports in Britain.
:( Beckham booked.

Dammit, we need more brits on this board. I'm all alone in my joy/sadness/joy/sadness.
Um no thanks, we would all exponentially increase our vocabulary in weird words, and when I go out with my friends they think I'm retarded for telling them about melons...
so would I if you started talking about them :D And also...we do need more brits on this board.
football rules. 2-2 still, beh

wales beating italy 2-1 at home!

come on england!!!! :D

Shit, there's way too much on. I'm trying to watch the footie, watch Faking It and listen to the Foo Fighters interivew on Steve Lamacq at the same time.
beckham is david beckham, england captain and manchester united midfielder. he's not half bad, for an amateur. i think michael owen is the better player, personally.
you should have been here in the world cup. luis and i did reports of pretty much every match. and he's not even a football fan :D
shit that would've been cool actually :D

hey ris, who's that Smith guy? Haven't seen him with England before.