Comfort Eating

Aunty Em

Well-Known Member
So what's your poison? What do you reach for when the going gets tough and you're feeling rough?

I'm on the cookies dipped in lemon curd at the moment, though cheese, bagels and chocolate figure large in my repertoire...
Squiggy said:
And Q is sitting on 50 pounds of chocolate...:eek6: It isn't fair I tell you...
I don't actually have 50# of chocolate. I just happened to find a box while I was taking a little break, snooping around.:D ...I'm doing tile repairs at Outback Steak houses in the predawn hours...and I was walking around, looking for areas in need of repair, when I heard this box...hey!...over here was whispering at first...then as soon as I spotted it, it started YELLING...I'M CHOCOLATE!! EAT ME!!
grapes!!! i like to peel the skin off with my teeth. it's bitter and gives me something to feel.
as does chewing a few altoids at a time.

otherwise: sauerkraut, popsicles, tomato products, dairy products.
Well, after last nights little binge I'm back on my diet this morning. In fact when I weighed myself I found that I've lost 5 lbs in the last 2 1/2 weeks, so no damage done. I am determined to get down to a healthier weight and start taking some excercise besides moving my fingers. :)

Perhaps it will help with the depression too, yesterday morning was really bad, I'm up and down like a yo-yo at the moment, I get stressed out so easily. My nerves feel shot and I don't know if I can handle all this, especially where my niece is concerned. She's gone to London with her brother for a couple of days and I don't know if she's going to be staying long-term now. And the other 3 are squabbling over who gets what from the house... maybe mass murder would be a good idea?...
Chocolate, ice cream, popcorn...well, anything that's within reach I guess.

Aunty Em, hope everything gets better :hug:
strawberry cheerios.
anyone had these?
they've got dried strawberries in them, which are a little wierdly textured, but i think the cheerios themselves are also flavored of strawberry.
all in all, a nice cereal.
i just tried it this morning :)
and then, i had more, for dinner.
Strawberry cheerios??? Ugh! As if regular cheerios weren't bad enough, they have to add strawberry flavoring to it?

IMHO of course - food likes/dislikes are completely subjective.

Oh, but STRAWBERRY cheerios?...*puke*