Common sense

These toys have been around for generations. To think that all of a sudden they are not safe is..well, contemporary "thinking" at its finest.
There's an interesting article about The 10 most dangerous toys of all time. The list is made up of:

1. Lawn Darts: Removable parts? Suffocation risk? Lead paint? Pussy hazards compared to the granddaddy of them all. Lawn Darts, or "Jarts," as they were marketed, would never fly in our current ultra-paranoid, safety-helmeted, Dr. Phil toy culture. Lawn darts were massive weighted spears. You threw them. They stuck where they landed. If they happened to land in your skull, well, then you should have moved.

2. Gilbert U-238 Atomic Energy Lab
3. Mini-Hammocks from EZ Sales
4. Snacktime Cabbage Patch Dolls
5. Sky Dancers
6. Bat Masterson Derringer Belt Gun
7. Creepy Crawlers
8. Johnny Reb Cannon
9. Battlestar Galactica Missile Launcher
10. Fisher-Price Power Wheels Motorcycle

I want one of number 2 :D
We used to throw lawn darts at each other. Wotta buncha pussies kids have become.
I grew up with Lawn Darts --- first rule we were taught was "don't throw them at your brother/sister." One parent or the other was around to reinforce said rule, if necessary. Never had a problem

As to the Easy Bake oven --- one of the first things I learned was the concept of "hot" --- you don't put your hands on something HOT!
I had this completely masculine version of an easy bake oven.

It was an oven right, and you had these tubes of goo in different colors. Then you had these molds in the shape of bugs and spiders and stuff. You would mix and match the different colors in the mold then bake it in this thing. I had this completely badass multicolored scorpion.
These toys have been around for generations. To think that all of a sudden they are not safe is..well, contemporary "thinking" at its finest.

It's just the newest style that is dangerous apparently (sold since May 2006)...if they'd just stick to the tried and true easy bakes like I grew up with all would be fine! It was practically impossible to get ones hand into the oven I had.
I had this completely masculine version of an easy bake oven.

It was an oven right, and you had these tubes of goo in different colors. Then you had these molds in the shape of bugs and spiders and stuff. You would mix and match the different colors in the mold then bake it in this thing. I had this completely badass multicolored scorpion.

That would be "creepy crawlers" ala #7 above yes?
We used to throw lawn darts at each other. Wotta buncha pussies kids have become.

I'm sure that if you check..the kids have no issues with flinging lawn darts at each other...but their parents, on the other hand...*handonhip
I had this completely masculine version of an easy bake oven.

It was an oven right, and you had these tubes of goo in different colors. Then you had these molds in the shape of bugs and spiders and stuff. You would mix and match the different colors in the mold then bake it in this thing. I had this completely badass multicolored scorpion.

Did you get that from the movie.
There was/is a christmas type movie, like Groundhog day, where this
guy is at his ex's, and has a son, that he originally give one, and in
one of the relived days he converts it to exactly what you just said.:nerd:

I'll see if I can recall the name of he movie...:confused:
The comment I found most satisfying...

Posted By: Kellie Santos (2/7/2007 at 8:49:21 PM)

Comment: If a few MORONS bought their 12 year olds cars and set them loose on the highway, and 29 people were killed or injured, would you expect Ford to issue a recall? No. So I have to wonder why in the world anyone cares when some STUPID parent gives their child a toy which is designed and marketed ONLY for children 8yrs and older, and the child goes and sticks their curious little fingers in it. HELLO! IT'S AN OVEN. IT'S GOING TO GET HOT. The recall is pandering to idiots. Parents are responsible for making sure their children are responsible enough to be able to use a tool/toy safely BEFORE giving it to their child. Plenty of children have burnt themselves on real ovens. So why not recall all of those as well? Because it's your JOB to protect your own kids from dangers. It's idiotic to believe manufacturers can anticipate every conceivable accident, and then expect them to protect people from their own stupidity. I'm going to make a brownie with my 8 year old daughter tonight in the EASY BAKE OVEN I bought her for Christmas. And IF either of us gets burned...IT'S NOT THE MANUFACTURER'S FAULT!

Doesn't it seem like our whole society is set up to pander to idiots any more? Good one Gato.
The article I read said those injured were below the age recommended on the thing ,I believe it was age eight or older .Who the fuck gives an electrical device to a 3-5 yr old to play with unsupervised.

The five children reported burned were "significantly younger than 8-years-old," the minimum age recommended to use the Easy-Bake, says Hasbro spokesperson Gail Carvelli. "They were like 3, 4 and 5 years old."
More reason for Hasbro to tell these folks to stick it in their ass.

Unfortunately, it's usually cheaper to settle & admit guilt when you're not than to fight the good fight.
More reason for Hasbro to tell these folks to stick it in their ass.

Unfortunately, it's usually cheaper to settle & admit guilt when you're not than to fight the good fight.

Parents to Judge: But my 3yr old can't read yet ,hows Julie to know she's too young.:rolleyes:
Here's a funny thing. We had that very same oven...and now it is in the trash.
Malory wanted to make the blueberry muffin mix and we get it all mixed up and I go to pop the muffin tin in the oven and then realize that it was an awful tight fit. So then I am thinking how are we going to get these out once they have risen? This is one of the new style ovens that doesn't have the old school push through so they have to come back out the way the went in (as a sidebar to SnP who mentioned that these toys have been around forever - they have...but the recently restyled them to resemble an actual oven and now they now longer have a lightbulb).
So I go to get them out and I can't. Rob is called and manages to get the tin back in the removing apparatus which cuts off some of the muffin mix from the top of the tin.
So obliviously the folks at easy bake were not using their noggins when creating their new oven - or at the very least the mixes to their new ovens.
We continued to bake the muffins in the oven but the piece of shit went in the trash.