Community standards


molṑn labé
Staff member
What violates community obscenity standards in the nation's reputed pornography capital? Federal prosecutors think they have a case.

Ira Isaacs readily admits he produced and sold movies depicting bestiality and sexual activity involving feces and urine. The judge warned potential jurors that the hours of fetish videos included violence against women, and many of them said they don't want to serve because watching would make them sick to their stomachs.

"It's the most extreme material that's ever been put on trial. I don't know of anything more disgusting," said Roger Jon Diamond _ Isaacs' own defense attorney.

The case is the most visible effort of a new federal task force designed to crack down on smut in America. Isaacs, however, says his work is an extreme but constitutionally protected form of art.

"There's no question the stuff is disgusting," said Diamond, who has spent much of his career representing pornographers. "The question is should we throw people in jail for it?"

Source we throw these twisted perverts into the klink or do we allow them to continue to pollute our minds with trash, lowering the bar for decency?
Interestingly, I can figure out for myself what to watch and what not to. I don't need the government to decide for me. If I don't watch it, perhaps it won't "pollute my mind." Even if I did, I give myself credit for a bit more intelligence than that.
I guess that he can't use the "No animals were harmed in the making of this movie" tagline, eh
Interestingly, I can figure out for myself what to watch and what not to. I don't need the government to decide for me. If I don't watch it, perhaps it won't "pollute my mind." Even if I did, I give myself credit for a bit more intelligence than that.

we need the government involved here to protect us from ourselves. we can't be trusted to make our own moral decisions. but we can be trusted with high-capacity magazines for AK47s. and automobiles. golly this thread makes me wanna shave my palms, hug the whales, and go trolling in the habitrail.

oh gonz, your libertarian posing is again belied by your command and control fantasies.

i say, pee pee porn and shotguns for all who so desire.
Interestingly, I can figure out for myself what to watch and what not to. I don't need the government to decide for me. If I don't watch it, perhaps it won't "pollute my mind." Even if I did, I give myself credit for a bit more intelligence than that.

What he said.
LOS ANGELES - A newspaper reported Wednesday that a judge presiding in the obscenity trial of a porn movie distributor posted sexually explicit images on his personal Web site.......The Times says Kozinski acknowledged in the interview that he posted the items but thought it wasn't publicly accessible. The judge also told the newspaper he didn't believe the material was obscene.

The judge didnt think t was accessible to the public? Im' not buying that one. The age of computer ignorance is over and has been. I think hes just tryng to save face.
we need the government involved here to protect us from ourselves. we can't be trusted to make our own moral decisions. but we can be trusted with high-capacity magazines for AK47s. and automobiles. golly this thread makes me wanna shave my palms, hug the whales, and go trolling in the habitrail.

oh gonz, your libertarian posing is again belied by your command and control fantasies.

i say, pee pee porn and shotguns for all who so desire.

Already have a shotgun.
Your postion was that we either lock them up or they're going to pollute our minds. I think people were pointing out that those weren't the only two options.
Your postion was that we either lock them up or they're going to pollute our minds.

No. That was the opening line. I intentionally kept any reference to what I think out of the equation.

